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Any Advice for me please?


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I'm Johnas from Cyprus, I am 22. I am currently with a Working Holiday Visa (417). I came to Australia with my partner who is Bulgarian, 22, and she is with a Holiday Visa e-Visitor (651). We came to visit my mother who has a Temporary Partner's Visa (309) and till August 2014 is expected to turn into Permanent Partner's Visa (subclass 100).

My question is, is there any possibility for me and my partner to work and live in Australia?

Any advices will be really appreciated,

Thank you!

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If you don't have a skilled occupation, e.g. a trade, or some professional qualification, then you pretty much have no pathway to consider. You need to be able to qualify for a visa - apart from a partner visa, the others are usually based on work qualifications and necessary work experience. However, if you are only 22 you have lots of time to return to your native county and get all that you need. It may take some years, but a large chunk of us on here have had to go through that - most of us probably didn't end up getting PR until late 20's early 30's - or later!

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If it helps i did not have any qualifications come out on a 417 WHV and just pumped everyone for sponsorship got offered a 457after canvasing the company that rang my sister to offer her an interview for a part time job. literally the second day in the 457 i asked about what education options there were and got enrolled on a diploma. 2 year anniversary applied for PR. Dec 2013 granted.


I was told so many times it couldn't be done but i just stuck to fingers up at everyone and never gave up


Good luck its not easy but so worth it

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Thanks to all of you for a response/advice. What if my partner enrolls to a course and get a certificate III in Child or Aged Care (TAFE), is she gonna be able to apply for any other visa that allows her to work part of full time?

Thank you!

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