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Emigrating to Melbourne as a young Insurance Broker


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A bit of background info- I'm 24, and am looking to emigrate to Oz late this year/early next year. I work as an insurance broker, and have done for 3 years, which includes completing an apprenticeship gaining an industry recognised qualification. I also have A Levels.


Now, my trade isn't on the SOL, but is in the CSOL. I therefore understand that to permanently move under this trade, my only option is the Employer Nominated Scheme. Is anybody aware of any other permanent visas I could apply for?


With regards to finding sponsorship, how hard really is it? The internet seems to generally suggest it isn't too hard but I can't imagine that. What's the best way to go about finding sponsorship? Again, the internet searches I've looked at aren't too clear.


Your help will be much appreciated!



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Its supply and demand and sorry I do not think that there are any shortages in the insurance industry. My daughter works for a large insurance company and entry level jobs are very competitive with lots of the competition having university degrees. Some brokers are large but a lot are just small firms and therefore not likely to sponsor anyone. If you were a land surveyor or some other kind of surveyor that is where the shortage is according to the paper. So have a nose around look for firms see read the local papers Age on Wednesday and Saturday, look at Seek and Career One. However do not be surprised if you receive no replies, replying to people is not a thing most Aussie employers do. Only to the ones they actually want.

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If the occupation is only on the CSOL then the first stop is to see if any states are sponsoring it as that would mean a permanent visa. So you need to check out each states list.


If not and your only route is employer nominated then it is a matter of finding a company wiling to to sponsor. This can be the hard part. You can use job sites such as seek.com.au and apply for jobs.


You do need to be aware though that the visa that is usually done for company sponsored is a 457 visa which is a temporary visa and has a number of restrictions

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Thanks both, your help is much appreciated. Il be sure to check out the state lists later tonight.


With regards to the temporary visa, what's the reasoning behind this? Is it likely to be made permanent? I didn't realise the Employer Nomination Scheme was so rare.


It's really hit home how hard it'll be to be sponsored. As I'm generally targeting smaller companies, is it nigh on impossible? I am going to be putting in considerable effort, following up leads etc.


Finally, and I'm aware this could be a stupid question!!- can I apply for jobs through search engines etc without having a visa? For example the ENS visa is only available once you have a firm job offer. Am I more likely to be successful following the SkillsSelect route, EOI etc?


Other than the above two visa's I'm not aware of any others which would suit me.


Many thanks

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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz


A bit of background info- I'm 24, and am looking to emigrate to Oz late this year/early next year. I work as an insurance broker, and have done for 3 years, which includes completing an apprenticeship gaining an industry recognised qualification. I also have A Levels.


Now, my trade isn't on the SOL, but is in the CSOL. I therefore understand that to permanently move under this trade, my only option is the Employer Nominated Scheme. Is anybody aware of any other permanent visas I could apply for?


With regards to finding sponsorship, how hard really is it? The internet seems to generally suggest it isn't too hard but I can't imagine that. What's the best way to go about finding sponsorship? Again, the internet searches I've looked at aren't too clear.


Your help will be much appreciated!




Good evening Daniel,


What level qualification did you obtain through your apprenticeship? I checked the state sponsorship options for you, there's ACT Canberra as (limited) and the other is SA (Adelaide) but it's on "off list nomination" which often requires evidence of a job offer.


Kind regards

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Thanks Ryan.


its dip CII which is a pretty decent standard over where. Unsure what the Australian equivalent is.


has anybody else tried to find sponsorship for similarly tough jobs to find? Is it possible? Does it take years of persistence?



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So, I've done a lot more research on this topic in the last couple of days.


It seems that the best way to make the move would be the 457 or ENS Visa. Does anyone know why employees generally prefer the 457 route? Is it less expensive etc? And I assume that they can make it permanent should they wish? Also, do I have to apply for jobs before I can apply for the visa? Or is it vice versa?


With regards to the working holiday visa, would this be applicable for me? Obviously it would be a considerable route to try and obtain a job over there for up to 2 years, but I always assumed this wouldn't be an applicable route.


I'm also going to undertake the industry relevant qualification in Oz, which is a tier 1. I have a cert CII over here which is the equivalent- but I think (hope!) that this will really impress employees.


Many thanks.

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So, I've done a lot more research on this topic in the last couple of days.


It seems that the best way to make the move would be the 457 or ENS Visa. Does anyone know why employees generally prefer the 457 route? Is it less expensive etc? And I assume that they can make it permanent should they wish? Also, do I have to apply for jobs before I can apply for the visa? Or is it vice versa?


With regards to the working holiday visa, would this be applicable for me? Obviously it would be a considerable route to try and obtain a job over there for up to 2 years, but I always assumed this wouldn't be an applicable route.


I'm also going to undertake the industry relevant qualification in Oz, which is a tier 1. I have a cert CII over here which is the equivalent- but I think (hope!) that this will really impress employees.


Many thanks.


I believe more research on your behalf is required but below are a few pointers based on the limited information.


ENS would be unlikely as a) for the skills assessment you require a diploma level qualification and 12 month experience and b) you would need 3 years of “post qualification” experience for the visa.


Most companies will not go straight for ENS unless it is an in demand occupation such as Engineering, Medicine, etc.


A working holiday visa would probably be your best bet with the hope of securing 457 sponsorship during your stay.


Be mindful that it may be difficult to secure sponsorship in your occupation.

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