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SA spear fisherman taken by shark.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

A 28-year-old spear fisherman is believed to have been killed by a shark off the SA coast.

About noon (CDT) on Saturday, the Adelaide man was fishing with mates at the popular Goldsmith beach, south of Edithburgh on the Yorke Peninsula, when he was attacked by a shark, police were told by witnesses.

Authorities have been searching since about 1pm, after his friends failed to locate him, but no trace of the man has been found.

"Witnesses saw the shark take him so it's suspected that he died from a fatal shark attack," a police spokesman told AAP.

The search will continue until 8.30pm.

Following the attack, police warned other swimmers between Edithburgh and Port Moorowie to leave the water.

No further information was available.


Taken from Yahoo news.

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Stacy get with my sarcastic remarks ......we cant win whatever we do .......kill all the sharks ........stop swimming and surfing .........another guy got ate today , the protesters don't care as long as the sharks are not harmed ..........as far as they are concerned "he should not have been in the ocean , his own fault " .....as I keep saying "where will it stop ".....?

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Condolensces to the family. Been ages between incidents in SA actually, a place where GWS populations actually congregate. Spearfishing in GWS territory is asking for trouble really.. its the next highest risk activity to Surfing. Imagine going to an African Safari and dangling a dead deer around.. the person taken today would have known the risks, today was just the wrong day to pick to go spearfishing.

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Stacy get with my sarcastic remarks ......we cant win whatever we do .......kill all the sharks ........stop swimming and surfing .........another guy got ate today , the protesters don't care as long as the sharks are not harmed ..........as far as they are concerned "he should not have been in the ocean , his own fault " .....as I keep saying "where will it stop ".....?


StacEy! The protesters feel sorry for families who lose a loved one but I bet you the people who die probably respect the ocean and wouldnt want the shark harmed.

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StacEy! The protesters feel sorry for families who lose a loved one but I bet you the people who die probably respect the ocean and wouldnt want the shark harmed.


:laugh:.....you do make me chuckle at times ........you been on the Iron Bru again ..........:wink:

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Not quite Gary, ever eaten couple of peanuts and feeling full? We're not on their menu, the shark was attracted to freshly killed large fish.. tunas the size of Hyundai E3s cruise SA waters.. Ive seen them. A man has died, I think we need to cool off and not be too rash with commentary.. Stick to facts... last fatality in SA was 3 years ago. Thats only 2 deaths in 3 years. But the media will probably go crazy on this again (sigh) Australia is a massive country with a large coastline.. There will be shark fatalities as road deaths along the way..

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Not quite Gary, ever eaten couple of peanuts and feeling full? We're not on their menu, the shark was attracted to freshly killed large fish.. tunas the size of Hyundai E3s cruise SA waters.. Ive seen them. A man has died, I think we need to cool off and not be too rash with commentary.. Stick to facts... last fatality in SA was 3 years ago. Thats only 2 deaths in 3 years. But the media will probably go crazy on this again (sigh) Australia is a massive country with a large coastline.. There will be shark fatalities as road deaths along the way..

Who killed the large tuna? And why was somebody in the water with a dead fish about.

It is a shame that somebody died I think the media will have more of a feeding frenzy on this than the shark. Then the do gooders and the do bad'ers will fall out over protecting or killing the sharks, then there will be a debate then the papers will sell more papers meanwhile there's a grieving family.

BTW I was sticking to the facts, humans eat sharks and sharks have eaten people and I will also leave the rash commentary to the Advertiser and the TV networks.

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Scotland lol.. Glasgow but I don't drink a lot, don't like whiskey, haggis, black pudding or most other Scottish things lol. I moved to England for a bit when I was three so maybe that mucked me up...


I think me an thee need a hug ............

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Ok all you late night alcos... The distance between locations - the WA incident in November and the recent SA incident is 2982 km. Might as well been a shark attack in another continent. Thats not even the distance between Rome to Glasgow!! (2447km)

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Who killed the large tuna? And why was somebody in the water with a dead fish about.

It is a shame that somebody died I think the media will have more of a feeding frenzy on this than the shark. Then the do gooders and the do bad'ers will fall out over protecting or killing the sharks, then there will be a debate then the papers will sell more papers meanwhile there's a grieving family.

BTW I was sticking to the facts, humans eat sharks and sharks have eaten people and I will also leave the rash commentary to the Advertiser and the TV networks.


Fair Nuff.. Now how about you join me for a glass of red Gary? Nick and Stacey seem to be knocking off Vodkas, fighting and making up...:laugh:

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Fair Nuff.. Now how about you join me for a glass of red Gary? Nick and Stacey seem to be knocking off Vodkas, fighting and making up...:laugh:


we are still fighting , we are throwing underwear at each other , so far I have my Bonds on but Stacey is naked , does this mean I have won or lost .....either way I feel like a winner .....:wink:

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