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Emigrating but would like a baby.. if baby born in OZ, would it become a citizen from birth?


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My husband and I are looking to emmigrate to WA on a 457 skilled visa.


We would like another child in the future but dont want to postpone our visa application but we wondered how this could affect our application?


If we decided to have another child before our Visa went through, then i presume we would add another child on to our current application?


If we decided to have another child whilst in OZ, would this child autmatically become an Australian Citizen even though we wouldnt be citizens ourself?


Any advise would be much appreciated.

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457 is a temporary resident visa- you are not really emigrating. If you want to make the move Pernament you should look at PR visas.


A child born to parents of a 457 visa will also hold 457 visa.


Only children born in Australia to Citizens or PR are Australian citizens at birth. Children born to PR overseas require a Child visa to enter Australia.

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Not only will the child not be a permanent resident or citizen, you won't be entitled to any government maternity pay or child allowances. Depending on where you are from it is also possible to find yourself with a hefty medical bill too. (If you are from a country without a reciprocal arrangement and you give birth within the first 12 months of health insurance).

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