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I'm new to the forum and have been reading threads with great interests. I'm hoping to come over to OZ late this year/early next year from the UK. Currently in the midst of saving, I have good qualifications (Masters degree and professional quals in the IT industry) plus a good few years experience since graduation. So I'm relatively hopeful of securing a job once I get over there.


The average salary for the job I want to do vary depending on location and serior positions etc, but I'll probably be aiming for the jobs around the 65k-85k mark. The main question is moving over on my own (completely, don't know anyone over there) Would this wage be livable for someone in mid/late-twenties in the Brisbane area, however the locations of Sydney and Melbourne are also of interest basically following the work. As I would need rent, rates, food, car, social life to meet people etc.


The move is pretty much to try and kick my career to the next level, whilst simultaneously seeing some of the world and you never know I might even meet "the one" over there and never return back.


Also has anyone else made the move entirely on their own? The prospect is quite daunting, I'm hoping the risk is worth the reward. I'm not expecting it to be a utopia by any stretch of the imagination and solving all of lifes problems but better weather, seemingly better job prospects by all accounts (from the North of England) and an experience which I feel has to be tried so as to not regret anything later in life. If it doesn't work out I can always return to the UK without the "What if" forever burning away at me.

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If the salary is 2-2.5 times what you are earning in the UK then it should be enough to have a similar lifestyle on in Australia - for Sydney it would definitely need to be closer to the 2.5 but the opportunities and salaries would be higher.


I don't think you are being unrealistic regarding the salary expectations - depending on your exact skill set - but I do think it is unrealistic to think it will kick your career to the next level - if anything you will need to take a step backwards to get 'local experience'. For me part of the decision of moving to Australia was accepting that my career wouldn't progress and neither would my salary in the same way as it would in the UK.


I'm from the North of England originally and I can see that Sydney/Melbourne (not Brisbane from what I understand) may compete favourably in terms of opportunities but if that is a strong motivator you'd achieve much more moving to London, Amsterdam or even Edinburgh.


If you just fancy breaking out of the mold and having an adventure though, go for it! It can only be a valuable life experience.


What visa are you looking at getting?

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I moved from London to Melbourne just over a year ago on my own. Right up until Christmas I was sure I wanted to move back as the winter here went in until about November. However the last couple of months have been great here so I've stopped trying to put timeframes on it and just seeing how it goes. If it gets to June and I'm over it then I'll go, but I'm no longer trying to predict that.


In terms if coming in your own, it probably is better to come with a partner who wants the same things etc as it is difficult to meet people and when you do it's unlikely you'll have the same rapport as you did people you've known all your life. That said it is also nice to have the freedom and do what you want to do without having to consider a partner or children etc

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I moved from London to Melbourne just over a year ago on my own. Right up until Christmas I was sure I wanted to move back as the winter here went in until about November. However the last couple of months have been great here so I've stopped trying to put timeframes on it and just seeing how it goes. If it gets to June and I'm over it then I'll go, but I'm no longer trying to predict that.


In terms if coming in your own, it probably is better to come with a partner who wants the same things etc as it is difficult to meet people and when you do it's unlikely you'll have the same rapport as you did people you've known all your life. That said it is also nice to have the freedom and do what you want to do without having to consider a partner or children etc


Since you are single, you're free to move within Australia too and you mentioned the Melbourne weather on another post too - you could always try somewhere else. The weather in Perth is warm & sunny probably 9 months of the year, Brisbane is more tropical - even Sydney is probably better than Melbourne.

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Thanks for all the responses.


Lady Rainicorn - the salary would roughly equate to around what you have mentioned, sorry the kick start my career would be if it turned in to a permanent stay as there seems to be a lot more management/consultancy jobs over there. I did think of Amsterdam and my company also have offices there and was very tempted to try for a transfer but something about OZ just seems more appealing, plus while I'm single it seems a lot more of a now or never situation as you never know if your partner would up roots and move half way across the world.


I was considering the 417, but I've been reading if I want a career job rather than farm work this might not be advisable as companies would prefer to higher someone for longer than 6 months, however I can also apply for a 189 as I meet the skill set so I'll have to research a bit more in to it.


Grahamffc - How did you find the move? and making friends? and finding a job? as Lady has mentioned, traveling on my own will give me the freedom to move from City to City for work without the ties of someone else holding me back. Brisbane is pretty much the place I've read and think sounds the most appealing, but I suppose anywhere which is new with nice people will be exciting. And worst case scenario is it won't work out as planned, I've already told myself I need to stay for at least 12-18 months before jumping to any decisions.


I was also thinking I'd do a house share when i go over with locals, this might give me a social life pretty much from landing. That's the reasoning behind it anyway.

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Guest guest73691

A lot of people move here by themselves (myself included). Although moving to the other side of the world by yourself can be daunting, in some respects I think it forces you to get out there and meet people. House shares are perfect for this - assuming you are lucky and get some nice housemates! Not having the comfort blanket of being here with a partner/friend, I've found that I've had to make the effort to get out there, try things and settle in. This has been hard at times, but now I've been here a while in Sydney I love it and feel very settled. I came here on a 417 and got very lucky with quickly finding a job with a company which was able to sponsor me (I am a lawyer). So it happens, but there is definitely no guarantee. If coming on a 417 I'd say view it as a chance to see Australia and have a great extended holiday. If you find a job which offers you the opportunity to stay over here, that is a bonus!

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A lot of people move here by themselves (myself included). Although moving to the other side of the world by yourself can be daunting, in some respects I think it forces you to get out there and meet people. House shares are perfect for this - assuming you are lucky and get some nice housemates! Not having the comfort blanket of being here with a partner/friend, I've found that I've had to make the effort to get out there, try things and settle in. This has been hard at times, but now I've been here a while in Sydney I love it and feel very settled. I came here on a 417 and got very lucky with quickly finding a job with a company which was able to sponsor me (I am a lawyer). So it happens, but there is definitely no guarantee. If coming on a 417 I'd say view it as a chance to see Australia and have a great extended holiday. If you find a job which offers you the opportunity to stay over here, that is a bonus!


It's nice hear to other peoples stories, I'm glad hear yours is going well. The one thing about the housemates, will be you can just up and leave I suppose. The part about thinking of it as a holiday is pretty much how I'm viewing it, and if more comes of it then I'm open to staying and working in different cities. Good to know you're a lawyer, I'll be sure to keep you in mind if I need any legal advise while over there haha.

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Londongal76 this is very true. My friend has friends over there who I could probably meet up with, although I'm not quite sure where I also think they are coupled up so I can't really just tag along with them. From holiday experience I have found when i have been on holiday with just two of us we got to know more people than when we went on holiday with a large group. It does force you in to talking/meeting people more than staying with the group you know. I suppose the scary part is if anything goes wrong you don't have anyone to help you out, however that's hopefully worst case scenario which will never come to fruition.

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