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Thoughts on Lyneham?


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Our family is coming to Canberra for a few months for work (next week!) and we're looking at renting an apartment in Lyneham. It would be great to get your opinion on what the area is like, and what to look out for - both good and bad. The Lyneham wetland looks great, with walking paths and stuff. If anyone knows anything about schools, that would be good to know too - our children are primary school age. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Lyneham, like any other Canberra suburb is like the curates egg (good in parts!) - it'd be fine although you may find that you'd prefer your kids to go to one of the private schools. The PS used to have quite a high proportion of kids with challenges - it may well have changed in the past couple of years with the change in suburb profile to include the new apartments but check out the myschools website to see how it scores. It's close to Civic which is a bonus. The HS is in high demand. If you are only going for a few months, your visa may be an issue - ACT charges fees for temporary visa holders and it might be worth a call to International Students section in the Dept of Education to see what your situation will be (it's complex!). Have fun!

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Thank you Quoll! We have been lucky enough to be contacted by someone who lives in the area, so that's been reassuring. The visas are not an issue, thankfully - we have what we need to get the children into school. Our only option is public school, and I'm ok with that. Thanks again!

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