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police check - uploaded one but can i do another one to alter date i have to enter aus?


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hi wondering i any agents or people that have been in the same situation know about this, basically we just didnt think and got our police checks straight after new year before applying for the 189 visa then applied , but the date we got the police checks was 7th jan so ive found out the date we have to enter the country by would be jan 7th 2015 (once granted of course) but we want xmas in the uk for final time with family and our sons bday 30th dec and wondering if we uploaded a new police check would co allow this so the date would be later as if we travelled to aus on the 2nd or 3rd jan etc and there was a freak snow fall and planes were halted we would be knackered so im thinking its a bit of a risk.


any help would be greatly appreciated. currently dont have a co assigned yet , been waiting 3 weeks

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In theory you can submit new documents up until the point a decision is made to grant a visa. At that point your dates will be locked in. However, why not just take the hand that fate has dealt you and move before Christmas? You wouldn't enjoy Christmas anyway if you're about to emigrate - the last weeks are purgatory as you start to sell stuff, give stuff away, pack and plan, say goodbyes, etc. Much better to have Christmas and birthdays once you have made the move and are at the beginning of something exciting.

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