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Transferring a 457


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Hi, I've been offered a new position in a new company with the transfer of my 457. Better money, better roster and an all round better company. I've been on my 457 for nearly 2 years (driller)

is it a straight forward process to transfer? The HR are dealing with it but I was just wondering on what sort of time frame. The company's approval to be a sponsor had just ran out so they have re-applied and I'm guessing that has to be complete before my nominated transfer can be applied for.. Any help will be great. Thanks

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The SBS approval doesn't need to be completed, it just needs to have been applied for prior to the nomination being lodged. It will take them a little time to compile the information for that as there's a lot of training/financial documentation required. The regulations changed a lot last year in the 457 visa program so the company may not be up to speed on the new criteria as well.


As above, once the nomination is lodged you're looking at a 2-6 week turnaround.

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Okay.. So I sort of understand. But again I've been on my current visa for coming up 2 years? So just being a transfer of employer should be straight forward?? Basically I'm worried that if the transfer gets declined, will this effect my current employment with my current company. I'm not lodging a new visa application as a driller so if it is no longer on the skills shortage list this shouldn't be effected? I have my family here and I just don't want it all to go pear shaped. Thank you

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The length of time you've been on the visa makes no difference to the new nomination. It's not the most complicated process in the world and there's nothing really that you have to do, but I don't know how much knowledge of the system your employer's have so can't comment on how straightforward they'd find it.


Have you considered staying with your current employer to complete 2 years and apply for the ENS- TRT stream? Or seeing if you meet the requirements of the Direct Entry stream and enquire whether your new employer would consider sponsoring you for that visa in the near future? If your ultimate intentions are Permanent Residency it's better to secure that status while you still meet the requirements.


All the best,

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Thank you for your reply. There are a Couple of reasons I no longer wish to stay on for my current employer. But I would rather not get into that on a viewable website.

I have over 3 years experience in drilling. 2.5 years in Australia. What are my options? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the PR routes etc

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So my to be new employer contacted me today. Informed me that they have been re-approved to be a sponsor and that they have nominated to take over my 457..(brilliant) something of concern is.... If/when my transfer is complete do I then hand my notice in for my previous employer? Or do I have to cease employment immediately.. I don't want to hand in my notice yet as there is no guarantee that It will all be approved.

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