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WA drum lines catch first shark.

Guest Guest66881

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Maybe they are counting the guy who went missing from Cottesloe and they only found his bathers and the guy who went missing from Mullaloo and they only found his backpack in the car park.


Who knows what happened to them. They are only 2 that I know about so there may be loads more that have "gone missing".

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Ive counted the guy from Cottesloe - Bryn Martin where they only found the bathers.


SharkFiles didnt record the NSW man in Mullaloo who went missing. No one even knows whether he entered the sea.


Both could have drowned in any case..


And most likely if they did some tiger shark or other scavenger would have no doubt clean up the remains. I wouldnt classify this as a shark fatality.


So given this its more realistically only 5 'conclusive' deaths out of 3 years in my book.

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Agree but my stand is that even if the culling program was in full swing during that time these 5 would be taken anyway.. possibly more due to the baiting attraction. And without culling the fatality rate has been on the decline since 2011 anyway.

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Agree but my stand is that even if the culling program was in full swing during that time these 5 would be taken anyway.. possibly more due to the baiting attraction. And without culling the fatality rate has been on the decline since 2011 anyway.


That's something we'll never know. Get back to me in 5 years and lets see what the figures are at protected beaches.

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No problems revisiting in 5 years, but theres going to be more conjecture on whether or not protected beaches in WA are going to have any attacks at all..because currently where the drum lines have been installed in metro areas, there havent been any fatalities (if we take out the Cottesloe inconclusive incident )


This is another reason why its a waste of time and , money


White Sharks are not generally interested in hanging around sandy shallow beaches like Leighton where your typical family bathes recreationally.


Just like Amity beach there were no fatalities beforehand.


So how can we know if it will be effective if theres no baseline to compare with.

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Smith beach hasnt had an incident ever. Fact is apart from maybe Bunker Bay they will most likely not protect any sites listed in the last 5 yrs that actually had the fatalities so there will be no real baseline. Thus attacks will still continue at unprotected sites randomly. Thats why the plan is flawed.

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I feel I now have to comment here. Many are getting their collective knickers in a twist over this shark cull, possibly standing on the shore line spitting their vitriol at all and sunder in government, and possibly be stood next to half a dozen macho guys, fishing, and pulling many a poor fish out of the water, to flop to its death. Pray, can someone tell me the difference, both live in the sea, and nobody raises an eyebrow over fishing.

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Guest Guest66881

Fishing for food is acceptable to me, fishing to kill so a government can be seen to be doing something for the tourism industry is disgusting mate.

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if the drumlines can save 1 persons life, then I'm all for the drum lines. I really don't give a sh*t about sharks, but it does hit home when your husband, brother, father, next door neighbor gets bite or eaten by a shark.

So many other things to get worried and worked up about in this world to get the nickers in a twist about the drumlines... If only they had drumlines in SA!!

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Oh dear... Some peoples attitudes to 'managing' a 'problem' kind of says it all really. Of course it's very tragic when people lose their life BUT FFS, you are a visitor in the shark's territory. Is it any wonder the natural world is in dire straits when anything that seems to 'get in the way' of human activity is simply gotten rid of. Very sad... More people die in road fatalities every day, but it doesn't stop people driving!

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Guest Guest66881

It's also horrible when a drunk driver kills your family or a loved one, i don't see the government making drink driving a death penalty offence do you, what a silly way to make it acceptable, you go into the water you get wet.

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Fishing for food is acceptable to me, fishing to kill so a government can be seen to be doing something for the tourism industry is disgusting mate.


Not to get embroiled in heavy debate Paul, but they sell shark steaks here, so that means sharks are fished for. Are we saying, that if they catch these sharks, and turn them over to the local fishmonger, it will be acceptable? The only fact here, is that man is the destroyer on this planet, anything gets in his way, kill it! I see things as being black and white, don't wan't to be killed in a parachute accident, don't parachute, don't want to get eaten by a lion, stay out of the jungle, likewise, don't want to get eaten/attacked by a shark, don't trespass in their environment.

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Guest Guest66881
Not to get embroiled in heavy debate Paul, but they sell shark steaks here, so that means sharks are fished for. Are we saying, that if they catch these sharks, and turn them over to the local fishmonger, it will be acceptable? The only fact here, is that man is the destroyer on this planet, anything gets in his way, kill it! I see things as being black and white, don't wan't to be killed in a parachute accident, don't parachute, don't want to get eaten by a lion, stay out of the jungle, likewise, don't want to get eaten/attacked by a shark, don't trespass in their environment.


No it is not the same mate, hunting to 'control' a shore line for tourists/locals is wrong, fishing for food is ok - i have no issues with eating what we catch, but to kill something because it's in 'our' way is wrong.

As for catching the 3m plus sharks to sell to a fishmonger would be a little better than just dumping it out at sea, but again Hunting to protect us wrong, very wrong.

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if the drumlines can save 1 persons life, then I'm all for the drum lines. I really don't give a sh*t about sharks, but it does hit home when your husband, brother, father, next door neighbor gets bite or eaten by a shark.

So many other things to get worried and worked up about in this world to get the nickers in a twist about the drumlines... If only they had drumlines in SA!!


They do.

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Oh dear... Some peoples attitudes to 'managing' a 'problem' kind of says it all really. Of course it's very tragic when people lose their life BUT FFS, you are a visitor in the shark's territory. Is it any wonder the natural world is in dire straits when anything that seems to 'get in the way' of human activity is simply gotten rid of. Very sad... More people die in road fatalities every day, but it doesn't stop people driving!


gotten rid of


There is no chance that sharks will be ever gotten rid of. There's millions of square kilometres of ocean that sharks will be perfectly safe in. The boats aren't going out hunting sharks, apart from the ones that kill sharks for food that is, that appears to be totally acceptable.

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No it is not the same mate, hunting to 'control' a shore line for tourists/locals is wrong, fishing for food is ok - i have no issues with eating what we catch, but to kill something because it's in 'our' way is wrong.

As for catching the 3m plus sharks to sell to a fishmonger would be a little better than just dumping it out at sea, but again Hunting to protect us wrong, very wrong.


From what I've been told by people who know better than me is that you wouldn't want to eat one of the bigger sharks. Apparently they don't make good eating, more's the pity.

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Guest Guest66881
From what I've been told by people who know better than me is that you wouldn't want to eat one of the bigger sharks. Apparently they don't make good eating, more's the pity.


Still better to kill a creature for food than to just degrade it by throwing back as scrap.

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Guest Guest66881
It'll end up as food for something though. All part of the food chain, just not our food.


Not a natural as nature intended meal though, ethically it is wrong.

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There is no chance that sharks will be ever gotten rid of. There's millions of square kilometres of ocean that sharks will be perfectly safe in. The boats aren't going out hunting sharks, apart from the ones that kill sharks for food that is, that appears to be totally acceptable.

No, and I'm glad as they are a crucial part of the eco system. What I am saying is that anything that's implicated in a tragedy has to be killed. Why? The guy was spear fishing- blood in the water??? Not saying for one min he was asking for it but come on, sharks are attracted to blood.... Killing sharks for food (especially shark fin soup) is just wrong on so many levels... Like I have said before, we as humans just don't know when to stop Interfering. WE ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT THE BLOODY ANIMALS.... Yawn.....

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