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qualifications to gain points on 190 visa


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We were just looking for help regarding qualifications. We are maybe going to apply for a 190 visa but could be short on points. My husband has a work based qualification, from the police - Accredited PIP Level 2, Professionalising Inestigative Programme. We are unsure if this qualifies for any points.


Also, to gain more points, my husband is prepared to begin studying for a Diploma or Degree but not sure which. his occupation is police officer and is on the CSOL.


Does anybody know how the points of qualifications is awarded, ie types of qualifications accepted and how many points for each qualification.


We are also wondering which states have police officer on their state occupation list. Do the lists change each year?



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Thanks for comments. Yes we hadnt heard of any international recruitment drives yet so we were hoping to go down the pr route and then apply directly or when we arrive. If we can get enough points via qualifications we wont need to go for a visa requiring state sponsorship. Thats our thoughts but we could be wrong.

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For an occupation on the CSOL you would need the support of a state government regardless of the points. I cannot see the occupation appearing on any state sponsor lists in the near future and I suspect any inclusion would coincide with a recruitment drive as they are determined according to local skill shortages. Do you have any other possible options available?

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Yes, my husband was part of the last WA recruitment drive but unsuccessful at papersift. He has 16 years police service, most in CID so we are wondering if WA preferred to have less service and only frontline service, just a guess. Cant think of any other options as I am a qualified childminder which obviously isnt on any skills list. Thanks for your comments and time.

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