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HELP!!! 26 yr old moving back to uk with baby daughter and australian fiancee


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Hi GuysI deseperatly need some advice ! My parents and 1 immigrated to Australia when i was 10 years old and i have dual citizenship. I have now been living in oz for 16 years and have meet my Australian Fiancee and have recently had a baby girl 6 months old. My dad moved back to uk 5 years ago and despite having his only grandchild here he refuses to move back saying the UK is better the Oz, which just leaves my mum and brother over here and my partners family ( who he is not close to). We visited my family in the uk 2 years ago and my partner fell in love with the lifestyle. Since becoming a mum i have relised that if you dont like the beach then there is only so much to do in oz plus the heat my partner and i hate the heat.So here is our dilemma we are not sure if moving back to the uk would be the right decision for us i love the lifestyle and i miss my family but im very concerned about the cost of living as i wouldnt return to work full time with a baby. My partner is a store manager and i am a qualified vet nurse.I would really appreciate some advice from people who have moved back to the uk .Cheers guys

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There are strict requirements to take an Australian spouse back to the UK. I don't think it is particularly fair, but you must be able to show that you can support your spouse via your income, which I believe is a minimum of eighteen to twenty two thousand pounds a year depending on how many children you have.


One way would be for your fiancee to go over on a working holiday, but it is obviously not ideal. I also have no idea if the UK has a defacto/ fiancee visa like Australia, so perhaps if they do, then you could get married in the UK instead.


However, I think you need to do lots of research first and ask a professional who does know the different avenues available to you both.

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hi sammy i have looked into it and we need to prove that we have been together two years im looking at ringing the embassy tomorrow to find out but i have heard it can be difficult from what i have read there is a visa that is valid only for 6 months and we would have to get married in the uk

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hi sammy i have looked into it and we need to prove that we have been together two years im looking at ringing the embassy tomorrow to find out but i have heard it can be difficult from what i have read there is a visa that is valid only for 6 months and we would have to get married in the uk


Oh I am glad for you. I have read so much recently about spouses having a lot of difficultly moving to the UK.

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You can apply for a spouse visa, but you also still have to meet the financial requirements -


[h=3]How much income do I need to have?[/h] You must have an income of at least £18,600.

If you are sponsoring a child as well as a partner you will need an income of at least £22,400.

For each additional child being sponsored you will need an additional income of £2,400. For example, if you are you are bringing 2 children with you to the United Kingdom, you must have and income of £22,400 and £2,400 for the additional child, so a total of £24,800.

You will be required to provide documents to show that you can meet the financial requirement. The way you meet the requirement will be different, depending on whether you are applying from inside or outside the UK.


I believe you (British Citizen) have to have been working in the UK for 6 months prior to your fiancee being able to live there, or you have to have substantial savings of up to 65k GPB.


Hope you find a way - they certainly have made it very tricky xx

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Others have suggested in different threads, that the solution is to move to Europe for 6 months and then go to the UK from there, as you will then have freedom of movement. Not entirely sure of the details but may be worth looking into.

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