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My boyfriend wants to move to Australia with me in July we think we know what we're doing but not completely sure.


we have not in the past lived together therefore cannot qualify for a partner visa, can we apply for two working visas so that he can live with me and then apply for a partner visa?

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You should be able to. Just he would have to complete the 3 months regional work to qualify for his second year WHV. Get that out the way first, plenty of time left after.


What is your visa type? Check you can sponsor when the time comes. And if going de facto, ensure you meet the requirements in living together etc.

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In your previous posts you have indicated that you have already moved here with your family and that your boyfriend is only 18 years old and still in the UK.


It was suggested to you by other posters that the best option for your boyfriend is to come out on a WHV which he can extend to two years if he does the regional work. If you live together during that period and are still serious, then he could apply for a defacto visa.


I don't quite understand your most recent post as it seems to suggest that you need to apply for a visa for yourself as well, but perhaps that is just the wording. Either way, the advice you were given on another thread was very good and already answers your question.

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