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Can it be done as a single parent??


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I am 27 years old, have a 9 year old and 7 year old but divorced from their Daddy, so it's just the 3 of us! I am a Midwife here in the UK and would want to continue with my career out there. I work in the community at the moment which is day time hours and wondered if this is an option with midwifery there or if there are flexible working options as a single parent? I really need to know if its going to be viable as my children are not of an age where they can look after themselves as yet. I also wondered where people think would be a good place to look to go because I won't be able to explore every area before choosing to go. We like hot weather and are a sporty family that enjoys the outdoor lifestyle. Ideally, an area where living costs aren't sky high because it is just me!! Any opinions or people who are a similar situation i.e family wise or career wise would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks :)

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It can be done, but you will need permission before any visa would be issued.


Also, some visas would not entitle you to any child care rebate/benefit or family assistance.It would be very hard on a midwifes wage alone to live withoiut these, especially as work most likely would not always fit in exactly with school hours. Research your type visa carefully and make sure that you get the authorisation to take the children to another country a you will not get a visa without proof of it.

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It can be done, but you will need permission before any visa would be issued.


Also, some visas would not entitle you to any child care rebate/benefit or family assistance.It would be very hard on a midwifes wage alone to live withoiut these, especially as work most likely would not always fit in exactly with school hours. Research your type visa carefully and make sure that you get the authorisation to take the children to another country a you will not get a visa without proof of it.


Yes I have already discussed it with their father and wouldn't even entertain the idea without his permission of course.


Are you aware of what visas would have some entitlement to assistance then? My work here doesn't fit in with school hours either but we use clubs and I would look for something similar there also.

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