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Might be a silly question but....


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Might be a silly question but first time backpacker and never traveled this far before. My question is my flight is on the 22nd and I was just wondering what do back packers do with there rucksacks. Do you check it in as luggage and let it go in plane cargo or bring it on plane and put it above you're head in the space. I have a 60 litre rucksack which has a 10 litre smaller bag. So was going to put the important stuff in my small bag. Like money papers and the stuff I need at airport. Then put other important stuff in rucksack. Also on my flight I have 2 stops one in Dubai and one in Perth as I'm going Melbourne. Does any one know if my bags would get transferred over to the next flight or do I wait then check bags in again. Once again sorry for silly question.

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Put your money, passport and any important docs in the small bag along with anything you need such as any medications you need to take. Do though research any medications as some are highly illegal in Dubai. Check your larger one in.


Yes, your bag will be automatically transferred.

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Also consider wearing a money belt under your clothes to hold your passport, money, credit card etc. Just had a son of friends stay with us on his WHV and he told us that this was the best advice he had been given prior to starting his journey a year ago. So passing it on... enjoy your time in Oz!

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