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Traveling Interstate


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Yes you can no probs.


pets travelling interstate on airlines is a v easy procedure to arrange and not that expensive. They can either travel on the same plane as you and you basically just pay for excess baggage depending on their weight. Or they can be booked on a cargo plane via a pet shipper. This normally a more expensive option.



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Guest The Pom Queen
That's awesome - I'm getting a puppy in a couple of weeks and all every keeps telling me about is not being able to go on holiday! Thank you :D

Oh lovely, what breed are you getting, don't forget to show us photos we love photos :yes:

Have a look here as well for pet friendly accommodation in different states: http://www.holidayingwithdogs.com.au

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Just flew on a Jetstar internal flight and was reading their policy on pets - apparently Jetstar planes do not have any facilities for pets to travel with them, apart from assistance dogs which in some cases can travel in the cabin with their owners. But no facility to take them in the hold apparently. Also if you are driving, you need to check if you are driving through any National Parks - if so you will not be allowed to do so with a dog in the car. Have a browse on the different states' sites - we got stopped once by a warden and told off for having our dog with us, even though she was not going to get out of the car.

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Thanks Diane, it's good to know and see that there's many other people who take their pets with them on holidays!


I thought the mount lofty / waterfall gully hike in SA was a national park - I've seen people take their dogs up there though. I guess it's a check before you go situation!

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Guest The Pom Queen
I'm getting a Maltese x shih tzu - it's my first ever dog / puppy and I read this breed is an easier one to train for beginners.


Picture attached - it's the white & brown one. beqydype.jpg

How gorgeous, have you thought of a name

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