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Aussie Resume


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Hey everyone,


I will be looking for jobs soon, and although I have an updated CV the style is geared more towards England than Australia. Does anyone have a template CV or a site where I can go ahead and view a default version of a Aussie resume to adjust mine.



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The best tip given to me when researching this is to make it easy for Australian's to understand. In the profile I explained where I was from, why I have come to Australia and my Visa conditions. I also made it clear what kind of work I was looking for. Start your work experience section by first giving a couple of lines about the company. It is unlikely anyone would have heard of many UK companies so tell them the industry, how many employees, turnover etc. This way they can better relate to the tasks you are listing as they have an idea of the environment. I did a similar thing with the experience by giving the age and school year that I completed my GSCE's and A Levels, just to help them understand what these qualifications meant. I have been fairly successful in getting interviews and meetings with recruitment agencies after only a week of applications. All have commented on how easy to read my CV was, and I do think its down to the small changes mentioned. I hope this helps you.

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