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To all pipefitter in australia please read.


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Hi guys im a pipefitter from uk and i need to chat to others that have come to oz from uk as pipefitter.

Whats your background?pipefitter or pipefitter/welder,plumber etc etc.


Anyone thats just a pipefitter but like me have been in the game a long time and can put his hands to most stuff.


When you came here did most companies take your qualifications from uk and if so what did you have?i have svq same as nvq,craft cert in pipefitting from ecitb.

Or did you need to get australian qualification to find or get jobs?


Im finding that more and more companies are looking or wanting this qualification,more so that 10 yrs ago when i was traveling and not asked and got work easy.


If you did get the australian qualification then what did you go for boilermaker,mechanical fitter or metal fabricator?


If so who did you use or did this with as i am at my wits trying to find out who deals with it tra,training gov to name a few they are all saying each other and some saying not them.


I did hear today its not a requirment to have the australian qualification its upto the company but becoming more popular and im finding a few jobs i have looked at or even applied for have needed it and i have been refused as i dont have.


I would be greatfull to know of pipefitters out there like me what you did,as its just been a nightmare since arriving here and something needs to change asap.

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Sorry i can't help directly but have you tried asking the companys who have refused you how to get the qualifications converted ? and are you mentioning when you apply for jobs that your happy to do whats required to change your qualifications over if they want you to?

I know an electrician who did this and the company ended up giving him the job and helping him with the cost of getting his Aussie licence so it might be worth a try.


Lots of luck and i hope you get everything sorted

Cal x

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Australia is the land of paperwork trust me i know I had to do a years gap training despite having huge experience in my field. Who did you do your assessment with for your skilled visa? Contact them and ask how you change your UK qualification to Australian. You could also contact your local TAFE ( college) google it. They possibly will run courses for overseas tradesman to change skills. If you don't do this you will never get a job here because your CV will not get past the first scan without Australian qualifications.

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Sorry i can't help directly but have you tried asking the companys who have refused you how to get the qualifications converted ? and are you mentioning when you apply for jobs that your happy to do whats required to change your qualifications over if they want you to?

I know an electrician who did this and the company ended up giving him the job and helping him with the cost of getting his Aussie licence so it might be worth a try.


Lots of luck and i hope you get everything sorted

Cal x


They all ask for different certs ,but one i called one day and girl said they was looking for pipefitters called me and one question they asked was do i have australian qualification i said no sorry i have nvq from uk and qualified and have over 21yrs experience,said sorry cant give you job,you would think with my background it would be enough,this really annoyed me big time,they same company called me again months later,i said did you not call before,anyway was a different girl she asked what qualification i had and explained,,she said again sorry.

I said hold on your after a pipefitter its advertised your looking for them i have the papers and experience so whats the problem and i said its not a trade here but it is in uk,usa and other places so how can i get such qualification if its not a trade,she said maybe boilermaker or mechaincal fitter,i said ok then and we ended the call then why dont they advertise for boilermaker or fitter as im a pipefitter and its no,its so messed up over here on this is past annoying.

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Australia is the land of paperwork trust me i know I had to do a years gap training despite having huge experience in my field. Who did you do your assessment with for your skilled visa? Contact them and ask how you change your UK qualification to Australian. You could also contact your local TAFE ( college) google it. They possibly will run courses for overseas tradesman to change skills. If you don't do this you will never get a job here because your CV will not get past the first scan without Australian qualifications.


It must have all changed then since 10yrs ago,im seeing a lady next week who is going to help me figure out what trade here i need to convert to and then guide me the right direction,if i knew it was all this hassle i may have not bothered coming over,was very happy in the uk and workwise always in work but this was a dream of mine in coming over here and i have.

As for my visa this is a craxy one i got it a while ago now,it expired in august of 2013,i came over here in june just before expire as i was always unsure of the move and time was not right.

But s i knew pipefitter was not a trade here in oz it be hard getting in,even one visa agent said no,i then got a guy from tra who is retired now to take on my tra thing explain my job as a pipefitter and showed all my stuff and on what i knew at the time i thought metal fabricator was best match,but im think boilermaker is maybe it?

But as i had done a little welding at college in evenings and did a very little on some jobs i got a result as a first class welder i said no way,im far from it,i could never dream of welding like these guys do in fact bad enough taking something up,but hey its not really something i do a lot or much at all but i could with a little practise.

So my way into oz was as a welder not its come back to bite me in the ass trying to get a job as a pipefitter which i did not think would be an issue after being here before and having worked as one,or should i say my role was a mechaincal fitter but i was fitting and tacking up and cutting pipework etc.

It could probably go under a few job titles but they all have there other duties in there.

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