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Young people 'feel they have nothing to live for'

Guest Guest 47403

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I dont need you to vet my arguments thx,i also dont need to hear the myth that the royals cost us all 5 pence a year either,the market value of the Duchy is estimated to be in the billions,so i would guess thats more than £50 each,thats just that Duchy btw,i haven't even mentioned the Duchy of Lancaster,if you're content to be led by the nose by the corporation that is the royal family and its supporters thats your choice,but i dont agree with feudal laws being used to protect money raised in the 21st century by a corporation,and thats what the Duchy is,in all but name


They are royal because their ancestors went round killing our ancestors. We lost, they won, they rule and have vast tracts of land to show for it. I don't begrudge them it - I could be a future Bill Gates (if only the right idea would come along) and then I would own vast tracts of land and set up lots of charities.


We should get used to it.


Much like the Welsh. They were conquered. They are ruled by the English. They should get used to it :wink:

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Guest Guest 47403
It's the baz and Pablo show again..!!! Just leave the uk and live in happiness in Australia



It is the UK news section.


Nothing of worth to add to the discussion Paul trot on then.................

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Why is it the Baz and Pablo show?please explain?

So what you're saying is to live in a country you have to be entirely happy with every aspect of that country is it?

That people cant debate issues they care about? and this from the big black cloud that lives in australia but does NOTHING but whinge about it! yer couldn't script it lol

So what have you done about helping the people you care about..? Don't come on here much now days as my black cloud is turning grey..

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Prince Charles does pay corporation tax (read my post!)


I am grateful he set up a charity because he is actively helping young people - the very sector of the population that the government is ignoring. The work his charity has done in terms of supporting youngsters with no skills or qualifications to set up and manage their own businesses successfully is superb. He did not have to do it (any more than the Duke of Edinburgh had to set up the Duke of Edinburgh award which encourages thousands of young people every year to get out there and discover new skills, give back to the community etc etc).


Just because someone is royal, does not mean that they don't deserve credit for doing something which benefits others.


Read "my" post again,the Duchy is #exempt# from corporation or capital gains tax,google it?

You can be as grateful as you want,thats your choice,of course they had to have charities,they have advisors,the royals know charities equals good PR,you think charlie boy is sitting behind a desk running it?! he lends his name to it,and people love him for it,people like you for instance,your choice not mine

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Guest Guest 47403
Erm, where did Baz come into it? Last I saw it was Pablo and I having a debate :confused:


Probably because I started the thread Incata, Paul has these little vendettas he like to play out, adds nothing to any discussions just little digs at people he doesn't see eye to eye with, like an annoying little terrier.

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What these youngsters have is Mcjobs family breakdown and constant criticism. It is no surprise to me that they give up; they develop their own culture, and ultimately they feel so disenfranchised that so unacceptably many take their lives. We have devalued them; the workplace has devalued them; family has devalued them.

They have 'separated' from us, because we have separated them. It is much harder today just on attitude alone. Youth to us; us to youth.



Well said xxx

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So what have you done about helping the people you care about..? Don't come on here much now days as my black cloud is turning grey..


I cant instigate a debate on whether the civil list should be abolished or not sadly

TFFT,yer put years on me

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They are royal because their ancestors went round killing our ancestors. We lost, they won, they rule and have vast tracts of land to show for it. I don't begrudge them it - I could be a future Bill Gates (if only the right idea would come along) and then I would own vast tracts of land and set up lots of charities.


We should get used to it.


Much like the Welsh. They were conquered. They are ruled by the English. They should get used to it :wink:


Well thats ok,we should just abide by feudal laws put in place "by" the Royals "for" the Royals 800+ years ago eh,aces!

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Read "my" post again,the Duchy is #exempt# from corporation or capital gains tax,google it?

You can be as grateful as you want,thats your choice,of course they had to have charities,they have advisors,the royals know charities equals good PR,you think charlie boy is sitting behind a desk running it?! he lends his name to it,and people love him for it,people like you for instance,your choice not mine


I did google it and while he is exempt, he has chosen to pay it voluntarily since 1993.

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I am neither Republic or Monarchy. I have little time for an anachronistic structures, BUT I find the Royals very handy in terms of tourist revenue. I even like the pomp and ceremony, simply because it brightens our day! The right to rule is a bit silly though, but thankfully they no longer chop off heads which is a positive.........


#The tourism revenue is an iffy argument,thats often trotted out,the Palace of Versailles does ok for visitors with no Royal family,i dont think theres "that" many Royal "attractions" in the top 20 uk tourist attractions is there?

Im not interested in pomp and ceremony,seeing lizzy sail down the thames on a gold leaf embossed ship just made me sick tbh,i say seeing,i didnt watch,but i read about it#


It was much easier for our generation. The kind of jobs we could get as filing clerks etc, and then perhaps progress, have gone. All we have now is the automation of press this, press that.


What these youngsters have is Mcjobs family breakdown and constant criticism. It is no surprise to me that they give up; they develop their own culture, and ultimately they feel so disenfranchised that so unacceptably many take their lives. We have devalued them; the workplace has devalued them; family has devalued them.

They have 'separated' from us, because we have separated them. It is much harder today just on attitude alone. Youth to us; us to youth.




Crikey!! I know you mean well, but surely people are allowed to give their own pov?


Please don't talk like this?? Pablo wasn't suggesting assassination, he gave his view!


No,no assassination,just a massive reclamation of the vast majority of their land and property,im not that daft to think the civil list and its leeches will be done away with "altogether"

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They are royal because their ancestors went round killing our ancestors. We lost, they won, they rule and have vast tracts of land to show for it. I don't begrudge them it - I could be a future Bill Gates (if only the right idea would come along) and then I would own vast tracts of land and set up lots of charities.


We should get used to it.


Much like the Welsh. They were conquered. They are ruled by the English. They should get used to it :wink:


Hells testicles!! Some rich pickings here! Incata you have just given a ringing endorsement to the very worst form of bullying that history has shown.


I shall email my aboriginal friend and tell him to suck it up!


(TG for the wink!)


Well thats ok,we should just abide by feudal laws put in place "by" the Royals "for" the Royals 800+ years ago eh,aces!


You sir are an arrogant oaf! Get back to your plough!!

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No,no assassination,just a massive reclamation of the vast majority of their land and property,im not that daft to think the civil list and its leeches will be done away with "altogether"


It will come, I have no doubt of it, because it IS a structure based on taking rather than earning. It will take many decades though, and by then Australia wold have been a Republic for years.


I shall miss them when it happens (from up or down there!), in the same way I miss Bush and his utterly fouled up quotes!:biglaugh:

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Guest Guest16631
Jesus wept!:mad:i knew there was a reason we needed women,how DO they get the quilt in the quilt cover so quickly!:cute::wubclub:



.....inside out....

.....hold the corners...

.....and flick...........easy as.....lol...!

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Guest Guest16631
Ive just spent ten minutes of me life inside it,trying to feed the corners into the corners with a davey lamp on me swede!




........but you can build a wall straight and true....!

.......different skills......lol....

.......though must admit I'm not bad at a bit of brickieing.......lol...!




........oops ......sorry just seen pablos post...!

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........but you can build a wall straight and true....!

.......different skills......lol....

.......though must admit I'm not bad at a bit of brickieing.......lol...!


Im sure you're aces at Bricklaying Tink,resourceful and adaptable i have you as!

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