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Feeling the Pressure and I do not live in UK


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The skilled migrants have received their qualifications outside the UK. They should be welcomed with open arms- the country is getting the benefit of another country's education system after all !

In the short term yes but we have millions of unemployed youth who are being left to rot.

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Immigration can be a good thing, that's been proven, look at London the most amazing and diverse city in the world (IMO) but apart from the financial profits of the current mass immigration (which are in fact minimal) in terms of infrastructure and the fact that millions of peoples traditional culture and way of life are being trivialised and erased by multiculturalism. Everywhere else you here of how cultures and traditions must be preserved at all costs except of course the minority British white people (London).


Fact? 'Millions'?


Dear 'ol multiculturalism-the whipping boy for all societal ills!


..........except of course for the 'minority' of British White people!!

Awwww the poor widdle downtrodden minority White British!


How many times does it have to be said? The British have no history of being subjugated; rather to the contrary.......


And for the record (stuck record), this mantra is regularly trotted out in Australia! (Which is the other country I know well). So the need to make a strong point by suggesting that 'everywhere else' all is preserved is lacking in 'fact'.


Like the UK 'everywhere else' will preserve its traditions and cultures as it always has.


Just because some daft authority body comes up with some PC crap about a 'non denominational culturally diverse multi belief.................(you know what I'm saying), it doesn't mean the country-any country, is being 'taken over'. It means that there are a bunch of stupid plonkers who have to show that they are in positions of authority-who come up with cockamamie ideas that annoy people because they are as thoroughly stupid as the eejits who first thought them up! It does NOT mean a take over!

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Fact? 'Millions'?


Dear 'ol multiculturalism-the whipping boy for all societal ills!


..........except of course for the 'minority' of British White people!!

Awwww the poor widdle downtrodden minority White British!


How many times does it have to be said? The British have no history of being subjugated; rather to the contrary.......




what a load of pompous bollox

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Immigration can be a good thing, that's been proven, look at London the most amazing and diverse city in the world (IMO) but apart from the financial profits of the current mass immigration (which are in fact minimal) in terms of infrastructure and the fact that millions of peoples traditional culture and way of life are being trivialised and erased by multiculturalism. Everywhere else you here of how cultures and traditions must be preserved at all costs except of course the minority British white people (London).



I think you will find that Britain has extended it's culture and language well beyond it's shores.

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It is great living in a first world country, living at a fast pace where nothing stands still. I Jumped off the rat race for a while and didn't like it, felt like I was a generic clone to a system where I was dictated to and had to live like a sheep without choice. A bit of pressure brings out the best in people. I love my country and love everything that it stands for, if people can't stand the pace and can't cope with it, then good riddance maybe this country will be better without the derogative comments and negative people. Just remember whilst there is a union flag in the top left hand corner of the national flag, then the country still lives in the shadow of the UK. Where it belongs......in the shadow. I feel sorry for those who cannot live or settle in their home land but hey ho, migration is one way to sort the wheat from the chaff. The Southern Hemisphere is great for a holiday but Europe is the place to live.



5, 4, 3, 2, 1.......... Let the backlash begin. lol

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It is great living in a first world country, living at a fast pace where nothing stands still. I Jumped off the rat race for a while and didn't like it, felt like I was a generic clone to a system where I was dictated to and had to live like a sheep without choice. A bit of pressure brings out the best in people. I love my country and love everything that it stands for, if people can't stand the pace and can't cope with it, then good riddance maybe this country will be better without the derogative comments and negative people. Just remember whilst there is a union flag in the top left hand corner of the national flag, then the country still lives in the shadow of the UK. Where it belongs......in the shadow. I feel sorry for those who cannot live or settle in their home land but hey ho, migration is one way to sort the wheat from the chaff. The Southern Hemisphere is great for a holiday but Europe is the place to live.



5, 4, 3, 2, 1.......... Let the backlash begin. lol


I do love the subtle approach!!

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It is great living in a first world country, living at a fast pace where nothing stands still. I Jumped off the rat race for a while and didn't like it, felt like I was a generic clone to a system where I was dictated to and had to live like a sheep without choice. A bit of pressure brings out the best in people. I love my country and love everything that it stands for, if people can't stand the pace and can't cope with it, then good riddance maybe this country will be better without the derogative comments and negative people. Just remember whilst there is a union flag in the top left hand corner of the national flag, then the country still lives in the shadow of the UK. Where it belongs......in the shadow. I feel sorry for those who cannot live or settle in their home land but hey ho, migration is one way to sort the wheat from the chaff. The Southern Hemisphere is great for a holiday but Europe is the place to live.



5, 4, 3, 2, 1.......... Let the backlash begin. lol



I have always wondered, if Scotland leaves the Union, the union jack will no longer exist. So will oz need to change its flag?

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I struggle to have a lot of sympathy for Brits in this. Apparently there have been no jobs in the UK for years. Yet a huge amount of migrants have arrived. Why? Because Brits have decided benefits are the way to go, so immigrants come in to do the work.


Or because certain employers target foreigners at source. Some employers have little interest employing locals it would appear. There are jobs online targeting Romanians and Bulgarians along with others as they see it to be in their interests.

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white working class have been discriminated against for years its just that we are not allowed to complain without the R word being screamed out.


The 'White working class' might just learn something from that.

Discrimination/exploitation/racism has been experienced by so many for so long. Much of it perpetrated by the light skin against the dark skin (I loathe using black/white-neither are either!).


Frankly I find the statement whiney and weak. The experiences of so many of our fellow men in this world is vastly worse! Millions are born and die in societies where they are treated like animals.


I won't be losing any sleep over the poor oppressed White Working Class.

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Guest Guest16631

........the level of .....discrimination.....is irrelevant IMO.....

........whether oppressed white working class or indeed those treated like animals.....

........to trivialise one .......

.........is as bad as condoning it altogether IMO.......

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Guest Guest66881
The 'White working class' might just learn something from that.

Discrimination/exploitation/racism has been experienced by so many for so long. Much of it perpetrated by the light skin against the dark skin (I loathe using black/white-neither are either!).


Frankly I find the statement whiney and weak. The experiences of so many of our fellow men in this world is vastly worse! Millions are born and die in societies where they are treated like animals.


I won't be losing any sleep over the poor oppressed White Working Class.


Yeah but our jobs are seasonal and weather dependant mate, come on have a heart:wink:

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........the level of .....discrimination.....is irrelevant IMO.....

........whether oppressed white working class or indeed those treated like animals.....

........to trivialise one .......

.........is as bad as condoning it altogether IMO.......


It depends on the definition of oppression doesn't it? I did not trivialise that which I do not believe exists.

This to me is like the self diagnosis of depression. It is now so popular to claim depression for every incident/situation where one is unhappy. Either there is a sudden epidemic of depression-or more people are laying claim to it.


Oppression is a relative term. I trivialised nothing.


why doesn't that surprise me...


Why doesn't that surprise me...


Yeah but our jobs are seasonal and weather dependant mate, come on have a heart:wink:


Thanks for this opportunity! Just to be clear: others may differ; have different philosophies, different politics. My philosophical/political outlook is on the Left. I mean the true Left, not the Labour/Labor Party of today.


For me the working class full stop is the absolute backbone of any country. Bin the Board-the factory would continue. Bin the workers-the factory would fail.


There will be those who can come up with whatever rationale they like to explain that away, but that is a fundamental fact.


Where I disagree is that the 'White' working class is an oppressed minority. If we are talking oppression......then why do we refer to 'White' working class?


Could it possibly be because of the definition of 'oppression' is a tad skewed?


If we talk about the oppression of the working class-ALL. Then I would agree about that oppression.

It is coming from the Thatcherthink structure who need the working class to do as they are told.

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Guest Guest16631

....It depends on the definition of oppression doesn't it? I did not trivialise that which I do not believe exists. This to me is like the self diagnosis of depression. It is now so popular to claim depression for every incident/situation where one is unhappy. Either there is a sudden epidemic of depression-or more people are laying claim to it.



Oppression is a relative term. I trivialised nothing.





.......you...........do not believe it exists........

........your prerogative.....

.........but others feel differently......

.........and again I say......

..........to deny out of hand one........yet support the occurrence of the other....

............is discriminatory......IMO......


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....It depends on the definition of oppression doesn't it? I did not trivialise that which I do not believe exists. This to me is like the self diagnosis of depression. It is now so popular to claim depression for every incident/situation where one is unhappy. Either there is a sudden epidemic of depression-or more people are laying claim to it.



Oppression is a relative term. I trivialised nothing.





.......you...........do not believe it exists........

........your prerogative.....

.........but others feel differently......

.........and again I say......

..........to deny out of hand one........yet support the occurrence of the other....

............is discriminatory......IMO......



Great article (link), My sister told me recently that her son had been chosen as a mentor as part of a scheme that had recognised that white working class children are being overlooked.

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Guest Guest16631

........my argument is that oppression.......racism...any practice that excludes.....

.........is wrong.....

..........degrees of are immaterial......

..........creed colour gender..............doesn't matter......

..........in the eyes of the victim.........

..........their's is the most severe........!

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....It depends on the definition of oppression doesn't it? I did not trivialise that which I do not believe exists. This to me is like the self diagnosis of depression. It is now so popular to claim depression for every incident/situation where one is unhappy. Either there is a sudden epidemic of depression-or more people are laying claim to it.



Oppression is a relative term. I trivialised nothing.





.......you...........do not believe it exists........

........your prerogative.....

.........but others feel differently......

.........and again I say......

..........to deny out of hand one........yet support the occurrence of the other....

............is discriminatory......IMO......




My prerogative indeed! As for others thinking differently, isn't that what a discussion forum is about?


But thanks for the link to the Dailymail. It is either a trash tabloid, or a quality journal, dependent on the message we want it to convey.

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Guest Guest16631

........was there a question as to others right to thinking differently....?

........and trash tabloid or quality article.....

.........the content can be found in numerous places.......

.........it's content isn't in question .....IMO.....

.........the DM........just makes its articles the most accessible.........ime....

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........was there a question as to others right to thinking differently....?

........and trash tabloid or quality article.....

.........the content can be found in numerous places.......

.........it's content isn't in question .....IMO.....

.........the DM........just makes its articles the most accessible.........ime....


OK. If you want this to go on and on.


.......you are correct: I meant 'feeling' differently OK?


........trash tabloid or quality article..........?

..........I'm sure it can,-and I will continue to disagree with sweeping generalisations....

........the content is in question IMO.....

.........it does indeed!!!......



And NO I am not ridiculing your style of posting. I find it difficult to understand sometimes, so set it out in the same way to answer it.


Over to you.

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Or because certain employers target foreigners at source. Some employers have little interest employing locals it would appear. There are jobs online targeting Romanians and Bulgarians along with others as they see it to be in their interests.



It is funny that Australians only employ locals, and the Brits only employ foreigners. It's not the same people who complain about both is it? Maybe they just set their expectations too high. Or maybe they are just crap at getting jobs.

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