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Passenger complains about passengers size.

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Now and again i agree with you Doc,on this i think you're talking rhubarb,im 6ft2 and approx 15 stone,now as a doc you "might" say im overweight according to your charts(i dont know?),but im in proportion,not carrying pounds of flesh or anything,so why when i sit next to someone who is 5ft 10 and 12 stone should i pay more?im sitting in one seat,same as my neighbour


LOL and I agree with you pablo here. To a point. My 88kg at 1.79 is not the lightest body (about the same weight as you if my reckoning is correct) - when I travel with the RFDS, I am always asked about my weight, ditto any patient to be transported, so I reckon it is fair enough. I think the real issue here is not so much about weight as it is about space.


When you couple that with <rant> the PC-brigade (and I detest PC-ness with a passion - bunch of complete idiots who pretend that changing wording changes facts, responsible for much of the evils of this not-my-fault society) who are campaigning to make fat=normal when fat=fat </rant>, then a stand needs to be made for clear thinking. Weight is a factor in flying, and we should pay for weight.

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LOL and I agree with you pablo here. To a point. My 88kg at 1.79 is not the lightest body (about the same weight as you if my reckoning is correct) - when I travel with the RFDS, I am always asked about my weight, ditto any patient to be transported, so I reckon it is fair enough. I think the real issue here is not so much about weight as it is about space.


When you couple that with <rant> the PC-brigade (and I detest PC-ness with a passion - bunch of complete idiots who pretend that changing wording changes facts, responsible for much of the evils of this not-my-fault society) who are campaigning to make fat=normal when fat=fat </rant>, then a stand needs to be made for clear thinking. Weight is a factor in flying, and we should pay for weight.


Are we to weigh in on arrival as well as the other tortuous rigmarole's associated with flying,queueing,weighing in luggage etc?

Ahhhh its NYE Doc,we'll have to agree to disagree again,all the best for 2014 il duce:wink::wubclub:

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Many years ago I flew with someone really obese in Europe - the fllght crew checking us in made sure there were three sets for the two of us - probably doesn't happen now. And if flying now I do expect the seat room they say I will have whether business class or economy

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If a heavier person (and we are talking weight here, not fat) Pays more they will still be sitting next to you in the same size seat. So you are still squashed, but the airline is richer.


What benefit is that to anyone! Or would there be a selection of seat sizes - somehow that seems unlikely. Only airlines win from this bickering.

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Are we to weigh in on arrival as well as the other tortuous rigmarole's associated with flying,queueing,weighing in luggage etc?

Ahhhh its NYE Doc,we'll have to agree to disagree again,all the best for 2014 il duce:wink::wubclub:


Happy New Year loonie leftie!


And at the airport, you line up with baggage for total weigh. Baggage (and your shoes) go one way, you and carry-on go the other. Carry out goes down the throat. <hic>

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Unfortunately we (all) take things to generalisation. No one can help being 6' 2" and 14-15st which is proportionate to body mass.


But (and though not morbidly obese) I am overweight-I do not feel any difficulty saying that I would/did not like to be squashed by a person carrying a load of extra weight.


It can be called bickering or intolerance or petty to say that, but the flip side of it is that we simply don't accept any responsibility for anything nowadays. It IS a problem, and with us (inclusive), becoming increasingly...er,bulky, coupled with airline cattle class-it is uncomfortable and without question something will eventually have to be done about it..


I once was forced to sit next to a morbidly obese person on a long coach trip. I had booked my seat very early, but of course that made no difference-the seat next to me (I found out afterward) was allocated at the last minute-the bus was full.


I'm damned if I'm going to look like some travelling Scrooge because I had to put up with (in this case) bad breath and body odour, and being squeezed in my seat for hours on end. It was foul. I asked for a pitstop to get fresh air and felt ill-yes ill by the time that journey was over. It was as clear as a bell that the driver was unhappy that he could not do anything. (My money was refunded on complaint).


Just to be clear: my money was refunded because I did not get the benefit of a full seat. This persons body mass took their seat and half of mine. It was vile, and I don't feel awkward for saying so!


I'm not overly impressed with that passengers use of terminology, but find it interesting that he used humour to try to convey how uncomfortable it is.

My journey across the world was particularly on the first leg, quite invaded with young children. They were lively, even mildly irritating because they spent most of their time in the aisle,-but they were children on a long haul flight, and they were bright decent youngsters.


I read this thread twice before deciding to post. It ticks me off that people who are already squeezed up are judged negatively because they don't want it further compounded by morbidly obese people.

............and we are talking about the morbidly obese (that's the terminology folks!).


It has little to do with sitting next to a big bloke (difficult perhaps, but it is a natural body build) or a 'fat' person, which we are in increasing numbers. It has everything to do with having the right to object to being squeezed further in the small amount of space already allocated, by someone of very hefty bulk. You cannot put that down to all m/obese people having a thyroid problem or whatever.


We have to take responsibility for ourselves! The time has to come when those carrying a large mass of extra weight pay for a wider seat (future?)/or two seat allocation.


Stop making people who end up with less then a full seat allocation the bad guys!

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Before i leave this thread,i think the vast majority of people "do" take responsibility for themselves,the number who dont i would guess is fairly small,and imo not worth changing the system for,despite some having had unpleasant journeys due to others,if its just about weight what happens with those using wheelchairs,are they penalised for the extra weight they bring,in fact "are" they charged extra?i honestly dont know

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Before i leave this thread,i think the vast majority of people "do" take responsibility for themselves,the number who dont i would guess is fairly small,and imo not worth changing the system for,despite some having had unpleasant journeys due to others,if its just about weight what happens with those using wheelchairs,are they penalised for the extra weight they bring,in fact "are" they charged extra?i honestly dont know


What I have been skirting around is the difference between those who cannot do anything about a situation, and those who can.


I include myself in that second group btw.

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What I have been skirting around is the difference between those who cannot do anything about a situation, and those who can.


I include myself in that second group btw.


No,you're obviously entitled your opinion,and it cant be good if you end up having an unpleasant journey because of others,but i think charging by weight is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut really,its not a subject im particularly passionate about if im honest,but i just disagree with charging by weight

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No,you're obviously entitled your opinion,and it cant be good if you end up having an unpleasant journey because of others,but i think charging by weight is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut really,its not a subject im particularly passionate about if im honest,but i just disagree with charging by weight


We agree to disagree then!


We are all getting larger, it is something that has to be handled when the space to 'store' us does not enlarge also. Either it does, or we accept that we pay a surcharge for 'storing' a larger percentage of self in a greater space.

If we are talking about luggage we have no problem with that concept, but when it comes to self suddenly it's an issue.


I am 4st over weight:embarrassed: and at the moment not a problem for others, -but when it does impact on others, it will be my problem, not theirs...if it has been a choice to be that size.

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We agree to disagree then!


We are all getting larger, it is something that has to be handled when the space to 'store' us does not enlarge also. Either it does, or we accept that we pay a surcharge for 'storing' a larger percentage of self in a greater space.

If we are talking about luggage we have no problem with that concept, but when it comes to self suddenly it's an issue.


I am 4st over weight:embarrassed: and at the moment not a problem for others, -but when it does impact on others, it will be my problem, not theirs...if it has been a choice to be that size.


Yeah no probs,we're all allowed our opinion,i know its "said" we're all getting larger,obesity on the rise etc etc,personally tho i think "most" people these days seem more aware of their diet and try to eat healthily,i dont btw,but my job keeps my weight down.

Do we charge people in wheelchairs for the extra weight?,taking it further will coach travel be dearer for the overweight,cars use more fuel if theres more weight,will taxi's start charging more for heavier people?

Like i say,to me its a sledgehammer to crack a nut,i mean just how many morbidly obese passengers are on the average flight,not many im guessing,anyway,no matter,enjoy your NYE P

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Yeah no probs,we're all allowed our opinion,i know its "said" we're all getting larger,obesity on the rise etc etc,personally tho i think "most" people these days seem more aware of their diet and try to eat healthily,i dont btw,but my job keeps my weight down.

Do we charge people in wheelchairs for the extra weight?,taking it further will coach travel be dearer for the overweight,cars use more fuel if theres more weight,will taxi's start charging more for heavier people?

Like i say,to me its a sledgehammer to crack a nut,i mean just how many morbidly obese passengers are on the average flight,not many im guessing,anyway,no matter,enjoy your NYE P


................btw Yes I do believe that will inevitably occur because of the obesity 'epidemic', and I have little doubt that like the 'guide dogs in restaurants' thing, allowances will be made for the genuinely disabled. My weight gain is not genuine disablement; I could argue stress and unhappiness, but then someone who lost a lot of weight could argue that also! It's down to me,-but the lure of the dark chocolate digestive is my drug of choice- 'choice' being the operative word.


Good discussion! Happy New Year to you and to all! (I need a biccie break...)

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