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New Years Eve Celebrations, where are you going?


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Who's doing what for NY in QLD ? I wanted to do the family cruise on the Brisbane River but left it too late and its all booked out. Most areas have Firework Displays so we may head down the Gold Coast for one of their earlier displays.



For any newbies to QLD this year here is a link to some of the bigger displays across QLD - http://www.tq.com.au/news-room/media-releases/releases_home.cfm?pageType=storyView&obj_uuid=44496496-C739-8108-5767-ABC907D2F2DF&appendPageTitle=Count%20down%20in%20Queensland%20this%20New%20Year%E2%80%99s%20Eve


Feel free to add any places not on the list so others are aware.


Cal x

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I know it sounds really boring but I cant be arsed doing anything! Think I have seen too many New Years and its worn off now. Up to friends for a couple of hours that will be about it. Also got a 4 year old and dont like taking her out till all hours.

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