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Any nurses secured a job before going to Brisbane????? Please Help :-(


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Hi name is Nick and I am registered nurse for 8 years with experience in surgical nursing, practice nursing and now community nurse working in health visiting and child protection for past 4 years. Am single mum and due to move to Brisbane in March 2014 and just wondering if anyone and how anyone secures a job before going? This is my IDEAL situation as I really don't want to go out there with no job but not sure how likely it is I will secure a job without them meeting me first? Can anyone help I am worrying myself sick over this :-( Have just recently applied to Queensland health and put CV on SEEK :-( Any advice would be much appreciated as it is well scary doing this by myself x

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  • 6 months later...

Have you considered an agency? Healthcare Australia have been really helpful with advice and in the MH sector there appears to be plenty of work. I am sure general nursing would be the same. It would help you identify where you want to work too.

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Hi Jac2011, just wondering (as a nurse myself) i notice you qualify this sept - (congrats by the way), and intend on going out to Oz in 2015, how do you intend on getting work as almost every place i have asked require at least 2/3 years post qualification experience (which i have), do you have a secret tip you might share??? also, will you be the primary applicant for a visa because without the post reg experience you may find it diffcult to gain points and also ANMAC letter of determination is tricky at the best of times, as i have found out, let alone newly qualified, but i imagine you have all this thought out, just thought i'd put it out there. any way as someone recently just gone through all this, feel free to ask any questions you might have. best of luck with the nursing. Dx

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That's alright I have been researching this move for over 5 years as a nurse in training. Iv spoken to ANMAC and I will be set to go with 3 months experience. I am fine for AHPRA as I am degree registered. I am fine for points 60 as a minimum, luckily my age is in the top bracket. And as for jobs, I have never been quoted that. I have been quoted 6-12 months and I have emailed a 'lot' of places (possibly 50 or more). A few years ago, it was more 6 months and it is now becoming more likely 12 months. Healthcare Australia have pretty much guaranteed I could get bank shifts full time with them in most locations with 12 months experience too, if I cant find a permanent role. To be honest, I actually have 2 recruiters who have asked me to contact them when I gain my AHPRA for an interview already and I am not even qualified. Iv done a lot of research. 4-5 years ago, I would have headed out with no experience looking for a 457 visa initially however with the way things have changed, I am happy to wait for 12 months experience. This may be because I am MH (I am not sure if you are) but our MH experience is more advanced than the experience newly qualified nurses have in Australia at present. We gain 3 years of MH placements and theory compared to Australian nurses who study general nursing and then choose to go and study further on a MH pathway (I think at their own cost)...

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