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I guess blood is thicker than water sometimes.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Justin Bieber's grandmother has blasted the media for spreading "so many lies" about the pop superstar, insisting they should treat the teen with a little more respect.

The Baby star found himself under fire in the press throughout 2013 as he hit headlines for everything from showing up late at concerts, to urinating in restaurant mop buckets and defacing walls with graffiti.

He has also clashed with members of the paparazzi on numerous occasions during his Believe world tour, and his apparent bad behaviour has caused a backlash among some reporters and bloggers.

The youngster's grandma, Diane Dale, admits the 19-year-old isn't perfect, but claims most of what is written about her grandson is made up.




He's made his bed blah blah blah.

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Justin Bieber's grandmother has blasted the media for spreading "so many lies" about the pop superstar, insisting they should treat the teen with a little more respect.

The Baby star found himself under fire in the press throughout 2013 as he hit headlines for everything from showing up late at concerts, to urinating in restaurant mop buckets and defacing walls with graffiti.

He has also clashed with members of the paparazzi on numerous occasions during his Believe world tour, and his apparent bad behaviour has caused a backlash among some reporters and bloggers.

The youngster's grandma, Diane Dale, admits the 19-year-old isn't perfect, but claims most of what is written about her grandson is made up.




He's made his bed blah blah blah.


This is kind of a 'light' topic, and not one I would normally respond to (sorry but that's the truth). However, there is actually a stong principle at play here:


Bieber was the 2013 target. As a human race we actually DO have a pack hunting instinct. Not so long before that it was Brittany Spears. She was literally hounded by the paps, and I have little doubt that they contributed to her (very public) breakdown.


I neither like or dislike Bieber, but I don't subscribe to the 'fair game/heat in the kitchen' principle. He was targeted and he couldn't put a foot right. As a 'young buck' type, he fought back; which made it worse.


This kid is no more or less flawed than many others-he blustered it out.......it got worse.


His Gran is right. Of course she is biased, but she is right.

The paps will find another target and Bieber will get some respite, but he IS a 'marked man'.


I would really love to see the table turned on these parasites, but whilst we ('you') buy their rags, their grubby reign will continue.

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This is kind of a 'light' topic, and not one I would normally respond to (sorry but that's the truth). However, there is actually a stong principle at play here:


Bieber was the 2013 target. As a human race we actually DO have a pack hunting instinct. Not so long before that it was Brittany Spears. She was literally hounded by the paps, and I have little doubt that they contributed to her (very public) breakdown.


I neither like or dislike Bieber, but I don't subscribe to the 'fair game/heat in the kitchen' principle. He was targeted and he couldn't put a foot right. As a 'young buck' type, he fought back; which made it worse.


This kid is no more or less flawed than many others-he blustered it out.......it got worse.


His Gran is right. Of course she is biased, but she is right.

The paps will find another target and Bieber will get some respite, but he IS a 'marked man'.


I would really love to see the table turned on these parasites, but whilst we ('you') buy their rags, their grubby reign will continue.



Spot on Peccavi ....he is just a young lad afterall .......and the pressure ....people talk about the money , but never the pressure .......Macauley Caulkin , look at him now , he is f.....ed

Britney spears , beiber and now Miley cyrus is in meltdown ......

Beiber will come out of this in a few years time , in obscurity and damaged .

Hes had the bright light on him ,intensely for a few years , and its about to be turned off .......sad

Hes probably already yesterdays news

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Guest Guest16631

......perhaps the celebrity attitude of entitlement.......has contributed to his downfall.....

.......bad behaviour is bad behaviour....

........and maintaining a level of decency and decorum......

......was thrown out of the window by Hollywood......decades ago.....

.......while there is a element of celebrity bashing in such matters,

.......celebrities by being public figures and role models,have a double reponsibility not to act irresponsibly!..........

........in all walks of life you take the good with the bad......

.........celebrities expect the accolades.........

.........so should accept the wrath when in the wrong.......IMO.....

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Oh boy! So pissing on to his fans is our fault?


Once the pack instinct comes into play it matters little what anyone says-it will be interpreted as you have done so.


This silly kid has been hounded. He's even talking about retiring (which he won't I feel sure) but it's what that signifies. He is behaving badly at times, but it's the chicken and egg thing isn't it? Why?

Spears shaved her head. As Bunbury mentioned-look at Culkin. These people get chewed up and spat out.


You think I'm making excuses for bad behaviour? Think again.


Two men have just been found guilty-I would like to see them executed.

I have been involved in matters relating to the abuse of children. All in this case did not survive. I have a seething anger for those who got such light sentences, and frankly a hatred for the bureaucrats who presided over a system that knowingly sent these toddlers and young kids to their death.


Look up American bootcamps. Over 36 teenagers have been 'exercised' and starved to death since 1980 alone. Very few have been held accountable for this legal State sanctioned abuse.


More??? you want more?? I got a million of 'em.


Whilst we line up to follow the gutter press and have a go at these young 'stars' our attention is taken from those who really need to be taken down.

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Guest Guest66881
Oh boy! So pissing on to his fans is our fault?


Once the pack instinct comes into play it matters little what anyone says-it will be interpreted as you have done so.


This silly kid has been hounded. He's even talking about retiring (which he won't I feel sure) but it's what that signifies. He is behaving badly at times, but it's the chicken and egg thing isn't it? Why?

Spears shaved her head. As Bunbury mentioned-look at Culkin. These people get chewed up and spat out.


You think I'm making excuses for bad behaviour? Think again.


Two men have just been found guilty-I would like to see them executed.

I have been involved in matters relating to the abuse of children. All in this case did not survive. I have a seething anger for those who got such light sentences, and frankly a hatred for the bureaucrats who presided over a system that knowingly sent these toddlers and young kids to their death.


Look up American bootcamps. Over 36 teenagers have been 'exercised' and starved to death since 1980 alone. Very few have been held accountable for this legal State sanctioned abuse.


More??? you want more?? I got a million of 'em.


Whilst we line up to follow the gutter press and have a go at these young 'stars' our attention is taken from those who really need to be taken down.


I don't think any of us here need a lecture on human rights/morals, Bieber as made his bed regardless of what the press say and who reads it.

Instead of defending the fool, why not start a new thread outlining your thoughts on human wrong doings and maybe we can discuss those issues away from the Bieber rubbish?

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I read an interesting interview with Lady Gaga once (written by Caitlen Moran if any one is interested). She basically said it's perfectly possible to have privacy and not be hounded by the paparazzi if you are prepared to pay for the security required and not go putting yourself 'out there'. While I would agree that sometimes the media goes over the top with hounding 'celebrities' the celebrities also have a responsibility to themselves and their fans.

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Guest Guest66881

Bruce Lee once said:

shine a torch down a dark alleyway you see very little - shine your car headlights all will be clear:wink:

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I don't think any of us here need a lecture on human rights/morals, Bieber as made his bed regardless of what the press say and who reads it.

Instead of defending the fool, why not start a new thread outlining your thoughts on human wrong doings and maybe we can discuss those issues away from the Bieber rubbish?


I am unconcerned at what you need (the 'any of us' statement is designed to show that 'we all feel this'. Many agree with you. Fine. Let them speak for themselves and I will respond if addressed. No big deal).

If you choose to start a thread, you have to expect both agreement and disagreement. The problem you are having is that I don't agree with your pov.

I'm coping well with the fact that you don't agree with me..


I then tried to get it in context, that is all.

The subject is Beiber-OK, but I tried to show why it is so ludicrous to go after this daft kid. I tried to make it clear that I was no pushover on bad behaviour.

Beiber was target 2013. He became increasingly brash and defensive. It then got worse.


If this happened to my child or grandchild, I would come out in their defence, and I doubt you would do any different. His family reacted as family does. It might have been different if he had committed a heinous crime, but he did not.

They came out in his defence and thus they are criticised!


I too don't need a lecture. It appears you put up the thread for support not discussion. As a discussion forum that might pose a problem..

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Guest littlesarah

My thoughts:


As a registered health professional, actions in my private life could result in disciplinary action including removal from the register. So, if someone reported me for passing urine on them I would be investigated. I don't think there is anything wrong with the expectation that a performer will behave in a way that conforms to society's standards of decency & decorum; however the fact is that 'there is no such thing as bad publicity', & we already know that young 'superstars' tend to become surrounded by sycophants & don't have anyone to tell them when they've over-stepped the line. There are always lots of people who earn big from the gravy train of someone like Bieber, so of course no one is going to tell him to pull his head in!


Meanwhile, the media has moved on to the next big thing, so they need to cast a new 'baddie' - & Bieber has been right there helping them to fuel the fire. And those who care about such things & don't see the pantomime for what it is, believe what they read & shake their heads.


This is how we end up with dysfunctional ex-stars - they may have a lot of cash, but they never learned the life lessons that the average teen/young adult has to learn just to survive to adulthood. The industry in which they work doesn't care - you only have to look at how music is made these days to see that money is the only prority of execs- and the media loves anything that grabs attention & sells copy.


Cynical I know, but the corporatised world in which we live is run by those who value money far more than ideals.

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