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Primary School Teacher advice


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Hi All, this is my first post so any advice would be greatly appreciated. My wife is due to qualify as a primary school teacher in June and after that she is guaranteed a year's placement. We were hoping to apply under a skilled visa to move to Australia thereafter. We were looking for advice from any other teachers who have made the same move. Is the years placement sufficient experience? Also any general tips about applying for visas as we are pretty clueless. We have three children. As I say any advice would be great. Thanks.

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There is no point thinking about the visa until you are ready to apply. This is one of those occupations that is just about still in there, but could easily be gone from the lists next year. I think just WA might be sponsoring at the moment and sponsorship is required.

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Getting a teaching job in a place where people actually want to live is not easy - there are loads of young unemployed teachers out there, especially primary. It may or may not be on the list by the time your wife qualifies and if it is, there will likely be an expectation that a posting would be out at Woop Woop which would not be a migrant's dream location.

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It's getting harder and harder for Primary School teachers. As they say, as it's on the CSOL not the SOL, she will need State Sponsorship. WA had it on their list until recently, but have now put it as Schedule 2, which basically means you need a job offer (not likely!). Victoria have it on their list, but want you to have 2 years experience of teaching, and be able to teach one of a list of languages (Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese).

Best of luck with it all!


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