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Sir Tony "Baldrick" Robinson.


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No denying it, my latest hero getting a knighthood. OK, a bit late and was looking to see if Time Team would air again and came across this:




Strange how some people get the sword across the shoulder faster than others...Sir Sean Connery took 17 years, the manager of the British rah rah team got one after one game...


But, I digress, Tony really did a great deal in the British tv and political scene.


Well done sir "Baldrick" and well deserved.:yes:


Cheers, Bobj.

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do you know.. and "hate" is not a word anyone would normally associate with me but I hate that bloke!!:arghh:

another dope that is getting knighted is Turner Prize-winning artist Sir Anish Kapoor for designing this!!!


makes a mockery of all the well deserving people that make great scientific discoveries and those that do so much for charities ect..

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