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Anyone moved to Aus before the rest of the family come out?


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Hopefully, when we get out visas, my husband will probably have to come out first to get a job and i stay in the UK with the kids whilst we sell the house. Has anyone else done this and did it work out for you? I think the main thing that worries me is flying all that way on my own with three young kids. I must be mad ;0)

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I came out first, 3 months before my wife and daughter, 10 months before the dog and a year before the car. Its very stressful as I felt I should be helping back in the UK, at the same time I had to make AU work. Little point them coming if I'd screwed up here. The job market is slow in a lot of Oz, so your OH may also be stressed if he can't find a job.... but it was 2 .5 years ago for us and now.... all good. Good luck

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My husband came out 3 weeks before the kids and I came out. He had a great time and got a job very quickly but I had 3 hellish weeks with two toddlers (aged 2 and 3.5). The flight was awful with just me and them and I was so glad to walk out of the airport and hand them over to my husband, get to the hotel and drop asleep while he dealt with them.


However, on the positive side, he did get the first job he went for (he is in a genuinely shortage occupation), he sorted out phones, a car and a rental for us to move into a week after we arrived. He had checked out which areas to live in which meant the kids and I did not have to go round numerous home opens. We just turned up, had a week in a furnished apartment (after the night in the hotel) and then a rental to move in to - and that made a huge difference.


When we arrived, it was all sorted out, so we were able to have 2 - 3 weeks enjoying ourselves before hubbie had to start work. He'd checked out lots of places to take kids so we were able to have a little holiday.


I think it was the right thing for us, even though I would never willingly fly anywhere again with two toddlers on my own. I'd pay for a friend to fly with me to help me out. It would be worth every penny!


ps We put our house on the market just days before we came out here and it sold after we had been here for about 4 months. We dealt with the agent and solicitor via skype and email and it was just as easy as when we sold our previous house when we were living in the UK, so don't worry too much about that.

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He needs to get a job before we completely move over so that's how it will be for us unfortunately. Not the best situation but hay! We need our house sale to move too. I just hope it doesn't take too long. The thought of flying on my own with a 6 year old 4 year old and 2 year old fills me with dread ha ha.

Hope theres a job for him. He's an electrical technician so thousands of fingers crossed to make this a reality!

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He needs to get a job before we completely move over so that's how it will be for us unfortunately. Not the best situation but hay! We need our house sale to move too. I just hope it doesn't take too long. The thought of flying on my own with a 6 year old 4 year old and 2 year old fills me with dread ha ha.

Hope theres a job for him. He's an electrical technician so thousands of fingers crossed to make this a reality!


just a thought!? What if you do not sell your house in the time frame you are looking at?? Would your husband have to come back etc?

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Some do that and it works for some. We would have considered it, but didn't have to in the end and I am glad about that. Going separately can be more stressful for both of you in different ways. In an ideal world, this is a move that would be done together, but that isn't possible for everyone. Get him to come back and help you with 3 children on a flight!

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Some do that and it works for some. We would have considered it, but didn't have to in the end and I am glad about that. Going separately can be more stressful for both of you in different ways. In an ideal world, this is a move that would be done together, but that isn't possible for everyone. Get him to come back and help you with 3 children on a flight!


That is a good idea. Wish we had thought of that.

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Yes it may be an option or even meet him in singapore or something? Its just trying to do it keeping costs down as its such a huge expense in the first place. We will have to see how it goes. Thanks for opinions anyway. It does help to hear how others have done a similar thing.

As far as selling the house goes, we'll have to sell or it wont happen and it will all have been a major headache. Im optomistic though and others are selling well in our area. We'll make it im certain of it! x

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