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Interviews for no jobs - jobs change - no responses - less fun!


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Hi all


Just thought I'd add a few notes about my current situation and asking how many others are finding these issues?


I came on a WHV to Melbourne.

When I finally managed to get to agencies (they won't accept you just walking in to chat and register) I was, like almost everyone, told I had no local experience. :frown:


However I managed to luckily get a good job within two weeks (why? A 2 hour commute, each way) :wink:

All good.

After 6 months I left, (as turned down a visa - maybe a mistake)

The agents couldn't help me before as didn't seem to believe I'd leave my job?

Now I had local experience. :wink:

But only 5 months left on my WHV. :frown:

And it was WHV - so not the right visa. :frown:

So I couldn't get work.

Infact I was declined even an interview for a 3 month position, as I only had 5 months. Australian Banks... :frown:


But managed to get another role within 2 weeks. :wink:

And that lasted for quite a while as my partner applied for 7 months to get the 457 visa processed. :eek:

Now I had a defacto 457 visa. A long term business visa without the need for sponsorship! Perfect! :wink:

But no.

Now been 5 months without work. And from the last interview I had - I was asked about my visa as they didn't know it, infact they didn't think it was real.


So I can only assume I've been getting overlooked as have:

1) A 457 visa (reject due to needing sponsorship) :mad:

2) A defecto 457 visa (obviously doesn't exist and is a lie) :mad:




So onto the main point of the post?


A) Add to this, I've been to four interviews in my time in Australia - which didn't have jobs. I found out this little fact either in or after the interview and indeed asked what the interview was for if THERE WAS NO JOB! :arghh:

FOUR TIMES! :arghh:

FOUR! :arghh:

(I actually got one of them) :wacko:



B) I've had three roles where the feedback is, they have decided they didn't actually want the role they advertised for and were now changing it. :realmad:


C) And did I mention I was told I couldn't work a 3 month contract as I didn't have enough time, as only had 5 months on my visa? :wacko:


D) These above have been through agents and direct. Oh the jobs not existing is from the company, I've obviously been to a number of interview for jobs that don't exist with recruiters and agents. Including one where I called and confirmed the role was available, half an hour before I left for the interview, to then be told at the interview - it was gone.


E) Communication appears to be a universal problem we've found in all our roles in Oz. And it starts by never being told if you've applied for a role, or better yet - if you've not got it, no one lets you know. Infact no one tends to respond to anything. (Though I have heard this has started to happen in the UK too?)


So a little warning to those coming over and looking for work. It's all down to luck and mines run out. So good luck to you!


We're looking forward to heading home soon! (Unless I manage to get a job)


Weathers better.


And I feel a bit better for sharing! :)

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It may cheer u up at least one tiny bit like knowing my girlfriend got one back on them she got a job then got a call from another job a week later. When she said she didnt want an interview as she had a job they got the hump with her on the phone for not withdrawing her application and messing up their plans. Ha ha...serves them right those lack of feedback aussie hr types :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel your pain. Moved to Melbourne in September as Perth was on its knees, I thought Vic would have more going on. Turns out it closed for Xmas in September! I work in recruitment (11 years exp), and with no internal roles going, I reluctantly decided agency would have to do to get in. No local network has discounted over 50 % of the agencies even meeting me, whilst the others that were happy to see me for sometimes two or more interviews then decided this was also an issue for them. Arggh!


Luckily my wife Monika is working on a 457 and there is little chance of her getting made redundant, but I'm at loss what to do if things don't pick up sharpish in the new year. Any savings are dwindling fast, and as mentioned elsewhere, there's seems little point going for lesser / casual jobs as i'm over qualified.


I just hope there is someone half decent out there that might take a punt - I'm shocked just how conservative and risk averse people are here. Thankfully we're going back home for Xmas to recharge the batteries. I can't wait!

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Egrek, sorry to hear about that. What field are you in - you mentioned banks, assuming you're in IT? If yes, what are you skillset (sorry if too nosy!). I can refer you to some recruiters.


An ex-colleague of mine was on a WHV then defacto 457 while working with us (bank), so it was a surprise that they wouldn't want to hire you on a 3-month contract.

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