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Can you put medication in a move cube...?


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Just wondering if you can fill the gaps with cheap UK ibuprofen? My research shows that these are rather pricey in Aus, but I wouldn't want to be accused of drug smuggling! (I planned to take enough to last a few years - plus band aids and a few "women's items", iykwim...).





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Drugs have to be declared when you come through customs, so I would imagine they would not like to find it in a container. Also drugs do have a use before date and a few years supply may end up useless in a couple of years time. You can buy generic ibuprofen and paracetamol and its cheap. Not sure about the "Womens items" i cannot think of a problem bringing those sorts of things in a container...

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I brought that sort of stuff with me in my checked luggage. Allergy tabs (over the counter), paracetamol and a couple of packs of Nurofen (well, the generic stuff, not the branded). It was fine. Just declared it on my landing card. I also had a heap of prescribed meds which I had to take in checked baggage and declare. I had it all bagged up for them to go over and they did look at it all and said no problem. I didn't bring years worth though, not like 20 packs of everything, just a few packs of anti histamines and a couple of packs of pain killers.


IIRC our MoveCube it was a no to shipping meds of any kind. They are supposed to go with you in person, not in the container. You have to list your packing and would have to include those on the breakdown (if you don't and they check the container and find them.... not good and not worth the risk IMHO).


Take them on the plane with you in you checked bags I reckon. Don't forget you can also get those tablets and stuff delivered from the UK.


You can buy band aids here ;) I'd not bother shipping those unless you already have them, don't go out and buy them specially.


Tampax or whatever it is you plan to bring can go in the container.

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You can buy 100 paracetamol still here for a few dollars, same with ibuprofen. We took six months of ADHD meds and Epipens so we didn't have a delay here waiting to see a new paediatrician etc. we also took 3-4 months of any other prescribed meds on the advice of our UK GP.


They do tampax here but not lilets, and no tampons sized over a super. All the rest is similar/same.


You do adjust to it all :)

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Ibuprofen and paracetamol are both pretty cheap over here, band aids are cheaper here than the uk for brands like elastoplast. Sanitary products are pretty much the same, tampax is sold here and 'libra' and 'u' brands do lilets. I brought 12 months worth of the contraceptive pill with me in my hand luggage as you have to pay for it here. I was going to pack it in the belongings we shipped but didn't want to run the risk of customs finding it and having an issue with it.

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Just wondering if you can fill the gaps with cheap UK ibuprofen? My research shows that these are rather pricey in Aus, but I wouldn't want to be accused of drug smuggling! (I planned to take enough to last a few years - plus band aids and a few "women's items", iykwim...).





It costs abour 70c for a pack of paracetamol and $1.99 for a pack of Ibuprofen in Coles, hardly breaking the bank!
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Thanks for all your replies, guys. I'd better check the BBDs on our meds then as we've had painkillers in our kitchen drawer that we bought 2 houses ago! I have looked into the price of all these things (obviously - I didn't just make assumptions based on "Wanted Down Under"!, lol) and found tampons over $5 a pack, plasters over $5 a pack also, and ibuprofen just over $4 a pack, so both double the UK price. This was at Coles, so I guess I'm looking at an expensive supermarket...?! Where is the cheapest? I've heard of Kmart and when we were in Melbourne 10 years ago we shopped at Woolies but found it pricey...


I guess we'll take whatever we can fit into our cases then (mine and my husband's -not the kids'!). What do they call Calpol down under, by the way? I've not found this yet...


Cheers, I-F

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As already advised Coles sells ibuprofen for $1.99. You must be looking at Nurofen brand. You get their own which has exactly the same in it for half the price, just as you get Asda own make for cheaper than Brand names. Also if you still have stuff left from 2 moves ago its a bit of a false economy to buy stuff just for the sake of it if your not going to use it before it goes off!

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