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Quarantine reduced


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Ah damit...


Important information

After 2 December 2013, the department will no longer issue permits under the old import conditions.


If you are seeking to bring your cat or dog into Australia before 3 February 2014, you must apply for an import permit under the old conditions and book your quarantine facility as soon as possible. Cats and dogs imported under the old conditions will complete the minimum of 30 days in post entry quarantine

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That is absolutely fantastic news for people coming over.


I wish I had known this a few months ago. My two are due out of Quarantine a week on Sat. I would have left them behind longer in the UK and they could have just done the 10 day stint. Bless em, they would have done nearly 3 weeks unnecessarily and might not have got ill either. Oh well, counting the days until they are let out of prison.

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That is absolutely fantastic news for people coming over.


I wish I had known this a few months ago. My two are due out of Quarantine a week on Sat. I would have left them behind longer in the UK and they could have just done the 10 day stint. Bless em, they would have done nearly 3 weeks unnecessarily and might not have got ill either. Oh well, counting the days until they are let out of prison.


Ah but then you would have been without them for 4 months instead of the 30 days as it only applies to pets arriving after 3 Feb 2014.


Great news though, at $29 a day for a cat it's going to be reducing the bill (and the heartache) from $870 to $290, a good saving when it costs so much to get them here.

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That's fantastic news, fossda! Thanks for the update :)


Lorraine - I'm sorry to hear that the hooligans had a harrowing time in quarantine, but it's so soon over and they will be in your arms again! If all goes to plan we hope to benefit from the 10 day quarantine though it all depends on when we can get the import permit applied! Time's ticking for us….

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Sephie Hon - I have just sent you a PM.


I know guys. I am not sure if I would have coped without them for 4 months, but they would have loved it at my Mum's house. The quarantine is good, but not when it makes them ill. My Purd is really struggling with it now as she has not been let out of the kennel for two weeks due to the ban on the exercise yard.

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Right - The quarantine has been reduced to 10 days for pets landing after 03rd February. There are a whole bunch of new rules, but the important bits are - it will be cheaper to fly your pets(less quarantine time and no £100 vet fees at the airport in UK), the pets will need to have the rabies blood sample 180 days before they fly (rather than current 150 days) - so you need to start preparing them at least 7 months before you want the pets to fly, the rabies blood sample is now valid for 24 months, so get it done nice and early.


This is great news for the pets and owners alike.


Check out these links:




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That's good news. My 3 dogs and 2 cats did their time at Spotswood a few months ago and whilst they were all ok and looked after as well as could be expected, they lost weight and were not very happy with their confinement. 10 days is a breeze compared to 30 and hopefully that will help those struggling with the decision whether to bring their pets over here.

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Hey Candygirl.

Really sorry to hear about Purdey, L hope she is ok and not long now until she gets home and gets thoroughly spoiled!


Hi Bob, Purd is being Purd. She is sulking and I am public enemy numero uno at the moment as I thought would happen. Cand is absolutely fine. They are both free of the KC now and we are waiting to see if they can resume exercise. I hope that once Purd gets out into the paddock at Byford, she can let off some steam and de-stress. One more week to go until release date, whoohoo!

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Hi all Poms in OZ folk.


We had an interesting email from AQIS/DAFF which was at pains to point out that the quarantine is a minimum of 10 days. That is slightly different to saying it is 10 days. The quarantine is a minimum of 10 days for pets who arrive with all correct paperwork, correctly completed and all spot on. One aspect which is being removed is the final vet check by an airport vet. This final check is a good one as it prevents pets with incorrect paperwork from being allowed on the flight. The airport vets stop around 1 out of 10 pets destined for Australia for incorrect paperwork.


I guess my point is that this 10 day quarantine is very exciting, but if the pets arrive with incorrect paperwork then the pets will stay and be restested and wait in quarantine until they are cleared to be released (all at the owners expense).


What they currently do in NZ with their rules, is if a pet arrives with incorrect docs, then the vet at the quarantine station will call us to ask for the doc to be corrected or resubmitted. We had 1 case where a dog had its final check fine and then in NZ they found a tick on it. That dog was re treated and retested and was delayed in quarantine for 2 weeks. There must have been pets who have been delayed for much longer.


I guess my point is to make 100% sure that your vet knows what they are doing. Price the move up properly and include the vets cost for what they will charge you. There are a number of pet shippers who will really get involved with the vet work and help out if it goes wrong. With others if the paperwork is wrong, they wont help you one jot and just tell you to call your vets.


I am trying not to make this sound like a plug for pet shippers, i just wanted folk to be fully aware.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,


Just another update, we have finally heard from quarantine that the walking and visiting allowances in Sydney will remain largely unchanged following the introduction of 10-day quarantine (minimum) ie dogs (and cats) will still be allowed 2 x pre-booked morning walks (morning cuddle visits for cats) weekly and 2 x afternoon kennel visits each. This allocation is per week so the number of times in the 10 day period that you can see you dog or cat depends on the day of the week they come in. Quarantine is closed to all visitors at the weekend.


Melbourne is still allowing only 2 appointments per week which now must take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 130 and 330 pm.


Hope this is useful for some of you.





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