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Belgium wants to allow euthanasia of children.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Brussels (AFP) - A heated debate on proposals to legalise euthanasia for minors in Belgium, one of the few countries to allow it for adults, intensified on Wednesday with supporters and opponents pressing their case.

Proposed legislation would allow the euthanasia of minors so long as they are judged capable of deciding for themselves -- a move favoured by three quarters of Belgians, according to a recent opinion poll.

One Wednesday, 16 paediatricians called on lawmakers to vote for a practice some experts say already happens outside the law.

"Why deprive minors of this last possibility," they said in an open letter carried in the press, arguing that under-18s were able to make an informed and mature decision when facing death.



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If there is no hope... surely there has to be a better option than suffering?


There is, it`s called supportive/palliative care. Means no treatment of disease as such but comfort oriented only - pain management etc. In case the patient becomes unable to make own decisions, the legal next of kin is the one who makes the decision for him. There were several times during my pediatric ICU experience that we offered a withdrawal of support to the parents - meaning that the child will be disconnected from the ventilator and won`t be given drugs to maintain blood pressure ( in cases where it was clear that the brain function is damaged beyond repair). This doesn`t qualify as euthanasia in the US.

Young children don`t have a concept of death and don`t understand it. The parent should be the child`s advocate in that case and decide what`s the best thing to do for the child IMO.

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Good call Maruska. In my years of palliative experience, I stay neutral these days on the euthanasia debate. Good pall care should mean that terminal sedation is available in the case of intractable distress due to symptoms. In reality those who truly suffer and make us uncomfortable in our ability to palliate are thankfully few and far between and then sedation is appropriate. If I had to choose Id say no to euthanasia but appreciate it is an emotive topic

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