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Baby P mother released from prison!


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There were reports a couple of weeks back she would be released soon.


I doubt she'll be able to go anywhere without her face being recognised. And she will be monitored closely.


As to how I feel about it, words fail me. The legal system seems so wrong on so many levels, not just in this case.

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Guest guest30085

The original sentence was a joke if it means she has served enough time to be released already. I know we've moved on from medieval punishments ... but public stoning to death doesn't seem such a bad idea. I'm all for rehabilitation, but I don't see how for people like this, that monster who raped the two year old as well as harming Baby Peter should have been put down. Harsh maybe, but justifiable in my eyes.

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The original sentence was a joke if it means she has served enough time to be released already. I know we've moved on from medieval punishments ... but public stoning to death doesn't seem such a bad idea. I'm all for rehabilitation, but I don't see how for people like this, that monster who raped the two year old as well as harming Baby Peter should have been put down. Harsh maybe, but justifiable in my eyes.


There was no evidence that she harmed her child - although allowing someone else to do it as abominable.

It is clear that she was/is not cut out to be a parent - too many of her own problems and needs.

But there are lots more parents out there like her...

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Guest guest30085
There was no evidence that she harmed her child - although allowing someone else to do it as abominable.

It is clear that she was/is not cut out to be a parent - too many of her own problems and needs.

But there are lots more parents out there like her...


I understand what you are saying, but standing by watching whilst someone treats your child like that, makes her as culpable in my eyes.

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Guest guest41161
She has completed enough of her sentence to be eligible for release - what's the problem?


I will assume you a trolling, but I am happy to feed in this instance.



No problem, I am sure she will now be a fine upstanding member of the community, who served the tough period of 4 years, over the death of a baby who lived for less than half that period, and had no chance in life due to this scum.


Connelly was ordered to be held indefinitely, until "deemed no longer to be a risk to the public and in particular to small children", with a minimum term of five years.


See the first problem?


Next issue is for someone to have inflicted the injuries to a baby the way they two did, they should never see the light of day again, this is a perfect example of why people should hang. A broken back on that poor child was one of a list of injuries.


Just hope you don't have her babysit your kids anytime in future, or heaven forbid she starts breeding again.

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Her time wasn't long enough regardless of whether she has spent a period of time in prison.. She is a scumbag.. Pure and simple and should't be walking the streets.. Hope she dies a painful death!!


How very civilised of you- wishing painful death upon someone. Will that bring back her dead son?

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I will assume you a trolling, but I am happy to feed in this instance.



No problem, I am sure she will now be a fine upstanding member of the community, who served the tough period of 4 years, over the death of a baby who lived for less than half that period, and had no chance in life due to this scum.


Connelly was ordered to be held indefinitely, until "deemed no longer to be a risk to the public and in particular to small children", with a minimum term of five years.


See the first problem?


Next issue is for someone to have inflicted the injuries to a baby the way they two did, they should never see the light of day again, this is a perfect example of why people should hang. A broken back on that poor child was one of a list of injuries.


Just hope you don't have her babysit your kids anytime in future, or heaven forbid she starts breeding again.



Sentence tariffs etc are common knowledge - not sure what they are but i believe it's half to 2/3 of sentence before being eligible for early release. She tried for release last year but this was refused. The people working with her now obviously believe she's ready to be released.

The law is the same for everyone - as horrible as their crimes may be.

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Guest guest30085
I will assume you a trolling, but I am happy to feed in this instance.



No problem, I am sure she will now be a fine upstanding member of the community, who served the tough period of 4 years, over the death of a baby who lived for less than half that period, and had no chance in life due to this scum.


Connelly was ordered to be held indefinitely, until "deemed no longer to be a risk to the public and in particular to small children", with a minimum term of five years.


See the first problem?


Next issue is for someone to have inflicted the injuries to a baby the way they two did, they should never see the light of day again, this is a perfect example of why people should hang. A broken back on that poor child was one of a list of injuries.


Just hope you don't have her babysit your kids anytime in future, or heaven forbid she starts breeding again.


Paul isn't trolling, and is probably more qualified and understands the consequences more than a lot of us do due to his occupation. But, In the eyes of the law, she has served her time, I think the law is a disgrace if this is what punishment is.

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Guest guest41161
How very civilised of you- wishing painful death upon someone. Will that bring back her dead son?



Wow, just wow! And will letting her out in public bring back her dead son? They murdered a child and for that they deserve to burn in hell for eternity. I am sure you would be so forgiving if this happened to a relative or a child close to you.


You mention the word civilised. Here a little snippet, read it and then start preaching about being civilised.


His fingernails were pinched - and possibly ripped by pliers - until they fell off.


All this while his 27-year-old mother chain smoked, gossiped on internet chat sites and played online poker.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1084972/Treated-like-dog-used-punchbag-The-life-death-baby-boy-called-

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Guest guest41161
Paul isn't trolling, and is probably more qualified and understands the consequences more than a lot of us do due to his occupation. But, In the eyes of the law, she has served her time, I think the law is a disgrace if this is what punishment is.


The consequences are a dead baby, and a piece of scum walking the streets, free to bring other kids into this world. The law is a joke, and how anyone can defend it, or this bitch, to me is mindblowing.

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Wow, just wow! And will letting her out in public bring back her dead son? They murdered a child and for that they deserve to burn in hell for eternity. I am sure you would be so forgiving if this happened to a relative or a child close to you.


You mention the word civilised. Here a little snippet, read it and then start preaching about being civilised.


His fingernails were pinched - and possibly ripped by pliers - until they fell off.


All this while his 27-year-old mother chain smoked, gossiped on internet chat sites and played online poker.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1084972/Treated-like-dog-used-punchbag-The-life-death-baby-boy-called-


I remember the details of the case well thanks, but as I have said - the law does not discriminate.


You wished a painful death upon this women - who was complicit in the painful death of her son.

Can you not see the perversity of your position?

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There was no evidence that she harmed her child - although allowing someone else to do it as abominable.

It is clear that she was/is not cut out to be a parent - too many of her own problems and needs.

But there are lots more parents out there like her...


This i think is as bad and maybe worse than doing it yourself, to see your child suffer like this at someone else's pleasure is surly the sickest thing imaginable.


Personally i would have like to see her get life meaning life which i know was never going to happen but that punishment in my eyes fits the crime.


And we also must not forget the two absolute monsters who dealt out the punishment to a helpless innocent child, if there is a god up there it makes you wonder what he was doing when these two animals were given their first breath!

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Guest guest41161
I remember the details of the case well thanks, but as I have said - the law does not discriminate.


You wished a painful death upon this women - who was complicit in the painful death of her son.

Can you not see the perversity of your position?


Not at all, I never wished her a painful death. I suggest you reread the posts. I hoped she burns in hell for eternity. Depending on your definition of hell, I see that as either in this life or an after life if there is one. I would hate her to die without suffering.


I think justice would be to serve her the injuries her baby received, whilst in jail, on a daily basis. Just as well I don't make the law, and it is left to a shower of people with no spine, who are so detached from the real world it's scary, this is from the lawyers who defend this scum, through to the parole officers, who let them walk the streets.

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She and others like her should be sterilised and subject to intense surveillance for the rest of her God forsaken life. No rehab for child killers and no place for sympathisers. If she's ignorant enough to watch her own child suffer what chance a dog or cat..or niece or nephew...no the woman deserves whatever natural justice is coming her way as the criminal justice system has failed her son and other babies and children violated by evil and abhorrhent adults.

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I dont think anyone would defend her. .its truley awful..but worse things happens too..ppl get jailed and released and the general public dont know anything about it..this isnt a one off...but for ppl who are more used to it happening..we maybe arent so shocked or sensitive to it..hopefully community services will do their job properly and she wont ever b responsible for a child again...I would like to see her put through what she put her child through but that is not the law in this country thankfully..would we do that to everyone?..and who would carry out this torture on the guilty? Which crimes would be considered less punishable?..we cant base the law on emotions...our legal system may seem wrong for individual cases or when emotions run high. .but overall I agree with it...and I, like everyone else feel a deep hatred and disgust for this woman and the others involved

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Not at all, I never wished her a painful death. I suggest you reread the posts. I hoped she burns in hell for eternity. Depending on your definition of hell, I see that as either in this life or an after life if there is one. I would hate her to die without suffering.


I think justice would be to serve her the injuries her baby received, whilst in jail, on a daily basis. Just as well I don't make the law, and it is left to a shower of people with no spine, who are so detached from the real world it's scary, this is from the lawyers who defend this scum, through to the parole officers, who let them walk the streets.


WRONG!! Neither lawyers nor probation officers make laws. They work with the laws that are passed by parliament.

Its obviously a very emotive subject and we all abhor that anyone would hurt a child at all, but these types of threads always say more about the mindset of the 'hang em and flog em' brigade than anything else.


Why not suggest a solution?

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Guest guest41161
WRONG!! Neither lawyers nor probation officers make laws. They work with the laws that are passed by parliament.

Its obviously a very emotive subject and we all abhor that anyone would hurt a child at all, but these types of threads always say more about the mindset of the 'hang em and flog em' brigade than anything else.


Why not suggest a solution?


I already suggested my solution. Dish out the same punishment, on a daily basis, in prison.


I am not normally a hang em high person, but as a father, I believe you must have a sick evil in you to harm a baby the way these 2 did, and for that reason, hang em high.


As already mentioned the law is an ass, set by politicians, who are as far from living in the real world as you can imagine. Upper class do-gooders, who have never walked in a lower class society.


Where is the deterrent in all this? Kill a baby, walk in 4 years? How is that setting a standard to show as a society, we deal with evil in an acceptable manner? But the parole officer said she is ok! Want to tell that to Jill Meaghers husband? How many times do we need to accept that parole officers get it wrong, and it is the innocent people who suffer due to their incompetance?


I can accept we will never see eye to eye on this one, but old Scottish saying, opinions are like ar@"£holes, and we all have one.

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Guest Guest16631

..........the depth of this case ........goes beyond and deeper than what we have been able to read....

.........the hundreds of similar cases being managed and dealt with by the people trained to find a solution.....

..........the cycle of abuse,drugs and violence........without intervention.......going on to reproduce the same again....

..........it's a solution we need..........more resources..........intervention ..........

............a child who is unloved and neglected.........has that as his/her role model......

............and will often go on to do the same............

.............it's hard as a good parent to understand this........but we had a good role model....( afaik)

..............while baby P's death is the most horrific act most of us can imagine........surely we must ask why....?

...............what in his mothers life would cause her to not protect her son......

.................punished she should be.......( I too would want her to suffer as he did......)

...................but we should also look for the reason why.......and try to find solutions so this doesn't happen to another child....

....................this little boy died in horrific circumstances........surely it shouldn't be in vain......

......................we must learn something from this..........to be able to find a way to stop this cycle.......

.......................RIP......little man..........may your death be the start of a solution.........

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