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I love canberra!


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No bitching from me. I broke my spine here enjoying myself, I earn enough money for bills, It is cheaper than London, I use petrol here for leisure not commuting, my son has tried 5 sports already here in 3 months and I am a coordinator of one. My life here so far has had ups and downs but I would rather be here in Canberra doing something new and refreshing every weekend.



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No bitching from me. I broke my spine here enjoying myself, I earn enough money for bills, It is cheaper than London, I use petrol here for leisure not commuting, my son has tried 5 sports already here in 3 months and I am a coordinator of one. My life here so far has had ups and downs but I would rather be here in Canberra doing something new and refreshing every weekend.



"None of that please, we don't want people to get the wrong idea"

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Great post Sully, can't wait to get there!


We were issued our visas back in July but still had our property to sell to complete the last piece of the jig-saw. Didn't think there would be any buyers until next year and guess what? Got an offer last week! Accepted, of course!!


It's been a crazy week with short term rental, flights and shipping container all booked! Should be there by early December all going well. We know it's not the best time of year for job hunting but thought we'd enjoy the Christmas break along with all you other Canberrans and start in earnest come January. Thanks to all of you for all the helpful advice and info to date.

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Hi Folks,

We received our Grant in Aug 2013. and Are planning to move by Mar 2014. I had some questions, hope you can answer.

1. What do you forsee as the right amount of AUD required for 3 months for a family of 3 in ACT without a Job. (Myself, my mom(not dependent, coming on Visit Visa) and a kid (4 years). (If we live frugally.)

2. I have been searching for accomodations, but nothing seems to be getting finalized. Could it be due to the fact that i am searching 3 months in advance (Moving Mar)?

3. What would be right time to look for accomodations?

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Well, if you think that the average Canberra salary (single income) is around $80k then 3 months on that very ordinary income would be around $20k but that doesn't include buying a car, setting up insurances, paying rental bonds and up front rent, etc etc. For two elderly folk no rent/mortgage running two cars (well, a car and a half really, one wasn't used much) our monthly spend (paid everything on credit card and paid off each month) was around $5k a couple of years ago and prices haven't gone down!- that's in line with the $20k prediction if you factor in $2k per month for rent.

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