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Migration Agent - Visa-Go


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Just wondering if anyone has used the Migration Agent Visa-Go, were are thinking of using them to help kick start our new life down under.


If anyone has any feedback good or bad, please let us know your experiences.


Debbie, Stuart & Kids

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Guest Guest12551

hi debbie, we are using visa-go here up in edinburgh,i have to say that its all been plain sailing, darren and his team have been great, they have told us how it is, what they want and when they want it!!!!

wot a pain in the backside...lol. darren tells you how it has to be done and takes no chances with anything.... i was a bit peeved off at first and then realised just how proffessional he and the team are,,,,,,,i realised theres no point in him trying to get you a visa without the FULL details he and ultimatley the australian government want.....

i have to say that the only hickups have been of our own making..... they said to use HIFX for the DIAC payment... wich we duly didnt do (went through my bank... more charge and took longer ..!! and wife not amused ..oops)

if visa-go in liverpool are have as proffessional as up here then as they say down under ... "no worries"

just get the info...ALL the info that they want... and when they want it .. and it will be ok.

good luck and all the best john , marie and kids

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Thanks for replying so quickly John, they come with a good recommendation from yourselves and thats what we are after. We are thinking of using them with them being local here in Liverpool, like yourselves with the office in Edinburgh, if anything needs getting to them fast, it will be so much easier and quicker to pass into the office.


How far down the process are you and where are you looking to locate to?



Debbie, Stuart & Kids

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Guest Guest12551

thanx , glad to be of some help, to be honest we only used them cos they where local and if theres a problem then i could get it sorted quickly, as it was this was a very good idea as we ran into some probs, again of my own doing and some missunderstandings...er yup .. us again mucked it up ..lol..

i think theres a lot to be said for using local agent as if you where miles away i dont know if youd get the same service.. you know!!

right mow we are just going for meds and police checks and thats it.. we started last year, .. just when they started the new rules!!! aaghhh ... so we had to find the full payments before the cut off date of september or else it was the tests and extra payments in london... (just made it... ) stress or what!!! but hey i keep thinking it must be worth it.. we are looking at going to brisbane area south towards goldcoast (depends on job ..)where you going?? ... take care .. john marie and kids

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Hi to you all


As i said in my last post, using local agent is so handy.


We are not sure really where we are going, if OH could get a job we would also like Gold Coast, but he is IT and most jobs seem to be sydney, melbourne and canberra, so we are flexible, as long as it gets us there we dont mind.


Thanks again and good luck with your journey.



Debbie, Stu & Kids

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