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Supporting documents for medicals


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I'm at the point of applying for my visa having just got a positive skills assessment. I have a couple of odd things in my past medical history which shouldn't cause any long term problems but are somewhat uncommon. My previous Consultant is happy to write a specific letter as support but was wondering what specific bits of information they are after. The general message just seems to be it will be fine so long as I'm not anticipated to cost Aus $$$ in the future but does anyone have any more specific guidance about the actual points it would be helpful to address in the supporting letter?

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I'll be doing a similar excercise soon too. I had some info from my migration agent today. Lots to read but basically you have to show that your medical needs in future, in relation to your health history, will cost the Aussie tax payer as little as possible. Also it will help to show that any reviews and checkups etc will be planned to take place on a reducing level. Also helps if you can show means of mitigating health costs such as through private insurance. Also needed is info from the medical teams stating hopefully a good prognosis moving forward.


This is all for the " health waiver" part of my specific application due to cancer treatment 18 months ago.

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When we went for our medicals we were told to provide something which covered the following: What is the illness/condition, What treatment/investigations have you had; Are you still receiving treatment; What is the prognosis - are you likely to need further treatment (e.g. surgery) and in what time scale.


I took consultant letters (written to my GP) stating that, and that the problem didn't cause me any difficulties and was unlikely to do so.

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