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Anyone else had the "you'll be back" look for family and friends!


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I have recently booked my flight back to the UK for March next year, last time I went was in 2011 and GFC was still apparent as the job situation was tricky however after that 5 month stint being unemployed (longest I've ever had) & missing Aus weather (was there in winter - double whammy!) I returned to Aus and was employed within 2 weeks of being here (to my relief) but as time has gone on I miss my extended family in the UK and having been able to get to know them (being aussie born this never happened).


So I decided to give the UK another crack as they say and hoping to get a better outcome this time as I can't afford to come back again plus my reasons for going have changed and my perception but I am still getting the "you'll be back" and "ok righto" look from family and friends, its very annoying and unsupportive :arghh:but can't say I am surprised as last time I went I was totally ignored by them to whole time I was in the UK.


Wondering if anyone else gets to same from their family or friends, completely unsupportive and in a way non believing of what you want to achieve?

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You know where you want to be so while it's hard when people are unsupportive, I'd give up expecting others to endorse/understand decisions. Doesn't even matter if you ping pong all you like - no law against it - It's your life! I loved being in the UK (just back from a 5 month trip) and it was great catching up with people. I'd really want my sisters to miss me more - but they don't, evidenced by lack of phone calls, no interest in visiting me out here etc.... I still have a great time when I'm with them, but I'm not front of mind - they have other priorities. I still want to go back home though - not just for people, it suits me more being there. Right now I feel I wouldn't return to Oz after leaving, but I may change my mind, particularly if finances allowed it...

The work situation in the UK is very different from 2011, and especially if you're down south there seems to be a lot of opportunities. I hope you get something soon after arrival. Good luck!

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I can sympathise with that. I've spent time in Oz previously so no one was really that surprised, but my mum kept saying, well you won't be there that long as your OH won't settle. In fact he's the one that has settled right away, but think that's prob more to do with work, as he's a work mad and can't just sit around, being unemployed doesn't suit him. One friend even brought my sons school report to my mums and said, oh don't post it to oz! just leave it here for when they come back! Since being here one of my brothers has totally ignored me, Facebook etc, he posts crap but can't even acknowledge that we are here. His departing words were I could of emigrated to Oz you know! So why didn't he!!!


It drives me mad, why can't they all just be happy that you are trying new experiences and are trying to keep out of a rut!


Rant over ....... So yes can see where you are coming from

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I admit to being very selfish and self sufficient and I couldn't give a toss about what other people say or think! I think it probably helped me to be a "successful" migrant for so long. I'm also very fortunate that only one person has ever tried to guilt me over my actions and that was my daughter in law who kept pointing out how our move from Aus to UK was going to affect the grand kids (ie we wouldn't be there at her beck and call as back up parents!). The move to UK has been the best thing ever for me - physically, emotionally and socially - and I'm so glad I've been able to do it!

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