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Bushfires - worried!!


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Hi all,


We're hoping to move out to Brookwater near Springfield lakes next year. We absolutely loved the area when we came out for a reccie last year.


I'm starting to have cold feet as I've been hearing so many reports of extreme temperatures expected in Oz this summer and high risk areas for bushfires. Brookwater has been listed as a high risk area. Apparently as yet there are no development restrictions or requirements set for fire buffer zones and it is something they are only just thinking about. Apparently the road network around there is not great for getting out if there is a fire as there's only one main road out?


How worried should I be?


Sitting here, googling and trying to figure things out.


Your opinions would be much appreciated!



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Guest The Pom Queen

Its a tough one as we moved to Cairns knowing it was in a cyclone area but the chances of being hit with a cat 5 are very slim. I know people who live in the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne (hi Paul) and although in a Bushfire area afaik have never been affected.

We currently have a Bushfire across the valley from us its been burning a week thankfully a total different situation to the Black Saturday fires in Victoria if it was the same I would have packed up and gone.

Your main priority is to see if you can get insurance and how much. In Cairns most of the companies won't insure us and those that will want over $10,000 per year. So get some quotes.

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Personally i wouldn't be that worried being in Brookwater or Springfield Lakes, its quite built up around there now and the bits of 'greenery' around there have fire breaks. I don't recall any alerts ever being given for those areas (im about 20 mins away ).


Cal x

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Of course you should be worried about bushfires enough to pay attention to warnings, have a bushfire plan and keep your place as fireproof as possible. Australia has bushfires even in some quite metropolitan areas (cf Canberra's loss of 500+ homes a decade ago) but if you're prepared you should be OK. It'd be good experience for you to volunteer with the local bushfire brigade when you arrive then you'll learn what and what not to do. Australia also has cyclones, floods and earthquakes btw.

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We also lived on the Dandenongs. We lived there when the bush fires went through Marysville, Kinglake etc, my husband was one of the first people in to help with the clean up, which was a pretty tough thing to see. It was a wake up call for me and I'm just more aware of what's going on now. I have a box with all our important documents, passports, photos,kids reports and things they have made over the years ready to go in a cupboard, just in case.We've been here 7 years and it's never been an issue, think you just have to be sensible and take advice.

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You have to accept it as part of living here and follow the advice. We had two days last year where we had catastrophic fire warnings, including one where the temps went to 44 degrees and with gusty winds, so I loaded my car with important things, and went with the children to a friends house where we were out of danger.


We are in a fire-prone area, this area is surrounded by national park and has had fires in the past with homes (although thankfully not lives) lost. However, we are prepared for it. Our house insurance is good enough to cover us, should the worst happen, and should that situation ever arise, I will not stay and defend my home, I will take my family and cats, and the few things that are important to me, important documentation etc, and will leave the house.

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Hi all,


We're hoping to move out to Brookwater near Springfield lakes next year. We absolutely loved the area when we came out for a reccie last year.


I'm starting to have cold feet as I've been hearing so many reports of extreme temperatures expected in Oz this summer and high risk areas for bushfires. Brookwater has been listed as a high risk area. Apparently as yet there are no development restrictions or requirements set for fire buffer zones and it is something they are only just thinking about. Apparently the road network around there is not great for getting out if there is a fire as there's only one main road out?


How worried should I be?


Sitting here, googling and trying to figure things out.


Your opinions would be much appreciated!



Are you actually suited to living in Australia? Seriously, think about it....

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Thanks for all the replies. All advice taken on board.


Hmmmm am I suited to Australia? That's kind of the point of my post. Trying to figure out the facts and risks and make an informed decision. Asking people who currently live there is part of that process.


So thanks for the responses. Much appreciated!!

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