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I feel awful


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I have just tracked Purd & Cand's flight and they are over Russia as I type. I do hope they are OK as I am a Demented Giblet here and I have not had much sleep at all.


They have been staying with the Wrinklies for the last week and Mum has said they were not themselves. Curd has been stressing and obviously knew something was up and Purd had just been sleeping a lot. When I left, Purd sat by the front door for 3 hours and did not move.


Roll on Friday when I can see them. I feel awful that I am putting them through this.

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Aw Lorraine you poor thing...wish there was something I could do..


I too did the tracking thing, strangely I found it helped a bit.


dogs know when something is happening that's for sure. I can see the worry on the boys faces if a suitcase gets pulled out.


im sure they will be fine Hun... I know the next month will be awful for you too, with them being so close but behind bars. Once they are realised you will feel on top of the world though..

Have the travelled with something with your scent on? If not go out and buy a cheap cuddle toy, sleep with it for the next couple of nights and take it to Byford with you when you go. That way even though you have to leave them after visiting they will still have you close by.


take care and big :hug:

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Guest Guest16631

........:hug:......they are probably enjoying the ride.......

.........and counting down the hours to they see you.........

..........lots of cuddles and treats on Friday..........

...........and all will be good............tink x

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Why did they tell you that! They should have said they were fine not told you that were sat pining by the door. You didn't need to know that . Never mind my lovely it will soon be over for you all and you can be reunited with your woofers. Those that have done it say they settle really well once here. Think of all those lovely beach walks :cool:

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Thanks Guys.


They are here!!! Just got an email from Byford to say that the manager is at the airport dealing with Customs. They are going to call me as soon as they get to Byford. OH had less sleep than me.


We have bought them two beds from KMart. Fi - we slept with two towels for a couple of nights for them to have in their crates on the plane.


I will be at Byford at 11.30am sharp tmoz morning that's for sure. We received pics from the agent in Singapore and Cand looked OK (as we thought) but Purd looked a bit stressed to me, which again was expected. She is a typical Beagle and a drama queen.


I am stressing over the rentals, but it is amazing how the thought of my babies being here with me now is making me feel so much better.

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Guest The Pom Queen

They will know something is going on and they may be stressed but this is short lived once they see you again.

When I was on duty at quarantine in the UK we wouldn't allow people to visit for the first 24 hours, this gave us time to get them cleaned up, vet check them over and settle them down. You haven't got to wait to long now huge hugs x

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