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Health Staff Bullied According To WA Exit Surveys

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Bullying is driving many to quit the public health service, exist surveys reveal. Most of the 485 people who completed the surveys were frontline health workers, including doctors and nurses.


The report published in WA's Sunday Times, on the 13th of October, after the paper obtained two reports on the results of exit surveys from 20121-13.


The first report found bullying, intimidation and the verbal abuse were reported by many employees, who quit in the second half of the year, and was a major reason on their decision to leave.


I think it fair to think this is likely the tip of the ice burg as many if not most decline to do an exit survey, in NGO organisations the dissatisfaction in many agencies is close to being horrendous. The revolving door syndrome rather reflects the disquiet.

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Amazing how all this stuff is just WA. Funny that most of the poms migrate to WA. Coincidence?


Ha, you wouldn't believe the stuff that goes on in the ACT either.....seen it with my own eyes in health.

21yr old Aussie girl, bullied and walked out on the spot. Nobody knew it was happening, very discreet.....but it was ignored when uncovered. There is a culture here of bullying and getting away with it, because they CAN get away with it.

In the defence of the British and Irish, we seem to be the people who have the guts to speak out and fight back against bullies and we generally get left alone. It's not in our culture to stand by and watch somebody get mercilessly picked on and there's a sense of pride in taking down a bully.....but amongst some of the natives, they are so scared of losing their jobs they will turn the other cheek and ignore what's happening. It's quite toxic.


Perhaps immigrants are not so worried about the chance of losing their jobs because they're more used to employment flexibility anyway, or maybe they just have better morality ?

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It isn't just WA, although that's where it happened to my oh 12 years ago. It was horrible and no one would do anything about it. It's the only time I've seen him cry in 25 years and the only time he's been to a GP or taken time off work for something that isn't an illness.

It happened to someone else we know in Sydney too and she had to leave.

One of the ministers in Melbourne was talking to my oh about the problem they have, in the wake of a dr committing suicide because of bullying. She wanted to do something about it. I hope she managed to get something going; it does seem to a real problem.

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Ha, you wouldn't believe the stuff that goes on in the ACT either.....seen it with my own eyes in health.

21yr old Aussie girl, bullied and walked out on the spot. Nobody knew it was happening, very discreet.....but it was ignored when uncovered. There is a culture here of bullying and getting away with it, because they CAN get away with it.

In the defence of the British and Irish, we seem to be the people who have the guts to speak out and fight back against bullies and we generally get left alone. It's not in our culture to stand by and watch somebody get mercilessly picked on and there's a sense of pride in taking down a bully.....but amongst some of the natives, they are so scared of losing their jobs they will turn the other cheek and ignore what's happening. It's quite toxic.


Perhaps immigrants are not so worried about the chance of losing their jobs because they're more used to employment flexibility anyway, or maybe they just have better morality ?


I agree with every word of your post. Really glad to read at least another recognises this as a problem of some dimensions. Why Aussies are so passive I struggle to know. I can only conclude that in a culture of supressed passion, critique and argument, complaint and anger have all been somewhat knocked out of the national psyche and replaced by one of compliance and subtle submission.

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Sadly, from my own personal experience and talking to others (migrants and Australians) it is a widespread issue.


Currently, putting in for PR (on a 457) and on my third employer, have received bullying at all 3 firms. I have just made an official complaint about my manager as I have been off work with stress for the last two and a half weeks.


Ultimately, being treated like this can affect a person`s confidence,well being and self worth.


Hopefully, It will be regarded as a serious issue and those who bully, and management who choose to do nothing..will be held accountable.


Being bullied at work...is soul destroying,

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Amazing how all this stuff is just WA. Funny that most of the poms migrate to WA. Coincidence?


I doubt it is just WA, from what I have heard (and neither is it confined to Australia, based on personal experience) - any more than it is true that most poms migrate to WA. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good, chippy dig at a serious problem, eh?

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I doubt it is just WA, from what I have heard (and neither is it confined to Australia, based on personal experience) - any more than it is true that most poms migrate to WA. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good, chippy dig at a serious problem, eh?

Most PB's do migrate to Perth. Get your facts right next time

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Sadly, from my own personal experience and talking to others (migrants and Australians) it is a widespread issue.


Currently, putting in for PR (on a 457) and on my third employer, have received bullying at all 3 firms. I have just made an official complaint about my manager as I have been off work with stress for the last two and a half weeks.


Ultimately, being treated like this can affect a person`s confidence,well being and self worth.


Hopefully, It will be regarded as a serious issue and those who bully, and management who choose to do nothing..will be held accountable.


Being bullied at work...is soul destroying,


Good luck with that. 457's are ripe for bullying due to their dependence nature. Doctors are readily aware of the need for stress leave, so don't be scared to go for longer if you need to prepare your case or regain your fighting spirit.

You are correct it is extremely widespread especially in the social and health areas. They can also fight a very dirty battle using lies and deceit. They know most will give up on move on. They can have seen it done go on the mental health of the person making the allegations. Sound record keeping and only written correspondence with the manager in question is very important. Again good luck....

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