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Bouncing off the walls


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Well I've been looking for some consultancy work for about 2 weeks and I have just had my first interview - it went exceptionally well and the company are going to put my CV forward to their client.


The client would also interview me so nothing is in the bag but I am very optimistic and bouncing off the walls with excitement.


It's a bit like getting that first job moving to Aus, until you do you're can't be 100% that you made the right move - this is the final piece in the jigsaw for a 'perfect' life back in the UK.


Even if I don't get it, a positive interview had done heaps for my confidence!

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Well that's the second interview done and dusted! I think the girl done good or at least as good as she could. The brief was they wanted a strong character so i gave they strong, I hope I didn't scare them off :)

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