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should hubby travel to perth first or not ?? what did you do ??

jo and scott

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Depends on you as a family. Some can cope with this fine, others don't.


Personally, I'd only go on ahead with our son if I knew hubby would be out within a few weeks (as he can sometimes be away for a month at a time anyways). Or stay behind for a few weeks. More than that, I'd not go for. As it is, we all want to go out and start our new life there together, not apart. All in and all that.

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If you were nervous about the move and needed or wanted to kep one income coming in whist one of you tested the water then the idea has some merit. But as you have already sold up you are already in the departure lounge? Not sure what your situation is but unless there is a possibility if retaining one income the idea also has little merit.


In summary unless there are compelling concerns or reasons for one going ahead (compelling reasons does not include "getting set up")m then this is a journey that is best done together. It shares the burden but also shares the excitement and is something to look back on. I am still sad that we had to take separate flights a few days apart, it would have been much more fun to go to the airport and board the plane together, I missed out on something. Do it together.

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Hi, my hubby went over two months ago so he could get work sorted first.

He is staying with my uncle there so no over heads.

It's just as well he did as it took him 5 weeks to find work in the building industry. He is a carpenter by trade but has had to settle for a labourers job on site just to get work. Most of the work on sites seems to be 'who you know' and word of mouth. Obviously he knows no-one!

We shipped all our things a couple of days before he left and myself and four daughters have been living in our rental in the UK for 2 months with no problems at all.

The younger children don't miss their toys or anything! Keeping very busy still.

We have found it difficult to sort a rental house out over there as you have to view during the day and other half working cannot get back in time to see them, they are often gone by the Saturday and real estates don't like showing you round individually outside of the open days.

This is the only drawback as far as I am concerned.

It has been easy with skype to keep in touch and the children haven't been subject to any upheaval - which was our main concern.

We have been able to pace the move and make decisions in our own time without feeling rushed into car, work and house decisions.

We will be joining him in 3 weeks and hopefully house and contents will all be set up ready for our arrival :wink:

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we have sold our house and are living with MIL, we was joking with scott last night about him going to perth first to find work, not sure how long for before me and the kiddies come out, or if it would even work !


did many of you do this ? did it work out okay ?




I came to Perth by myself in order to find work first and a rental. It all went smoothly - landed a job on my 3rd day and secured a rental within a month and then the wife and our 2 young kids flew over. Personally I would've found it way too stressful to have them all with me, especially since we only came over with 10000 stirling.


Good luck

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We came over separately. My husband came out 3 weeks before the children and I did. During that time he sorted out a rental, temporary accommodation until it was available, bought a car and found a job, so that by the time we got here, it was all set up (pretty much). We had to spend a week in a furnished apartment before moving in to our rental and it took about 3 more weeks for our furniture to arrive, which meant we camped in the rental for a while (which was quite good fun!).


My kids were 3 and 2 at the time of the flight and it was 24 hours of hell. I have never been happier to get out of an airport in my life. It was lovely to hand the kids over to my husband (who was fresh as a daisy) and go to bed, leaving him to sort them out.


I think it would have been so much more difficult if we had been out here together.


My husband also got a lot of pleasure out of being able to show the kids places he had found for them to enjoy, such as Whiteman Park, so we were all able to really enjoy our first couple of weeks together (effectively having a holiday), before he had to start work.


Much as I hated the flight (and wasn't too much of a fan of staying at MILs on my own), it worked out very well for us. The only thing I would do differently is fly with another airline.

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I think it depends on what his chances are of finding a job. If it may take some time, you're going to burn through a lot of cash if you all go at the beginning. At least if it's just your hubby he will be able to live (relatively) cheaply until he gets a job.


There is also the possibility of him not being able to get a job (or at least a job that will support a whole family). There have been a couple of threads on here about people who haven't found a job after 3 months. It's probably unlikely that it will take that long (though it depends what line of work he's in) but you have to consider all possibilities. Has he had any luck in job applications there so far? It would be so much easier to have employment secured before you all go.


I have to say it shocks me when whole families are willing to move to another country with no jobs secured beforehand. Most do get by but it can be a very stressful experience especially if you don't have much cash to live off.

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