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I apologise in advance as I'm sure this question has been done to death BUT I am so upset and angry:arghh: My OH has just taken our Dogs to the Vets and she insisted they had the vaccine with LEPTO in with another jab due in 2 weeks! He protested furiously as he was advised by the Head Practice Nurse NOT to have the Lepto when he made the appointment...............she (THE VET) insisted and virtually said that the "said Nurse" didn't know what she was talking about SO he said to her "well you better had be right OR be it on your head" so to speak AND trusted the B***** Vet!

I have now just double checked the AQIS guidelines and ALL the threads on here!

Are we doomed:cry:


Would they possibly pass the blood test if we don't have the Lepto in the 2nd jab?

ANY advice would be appreciated please AND rest assured I will be on the phone first thing to that VET in the morning.................I am SO ANGRY:realmad: I can't tell you!

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Hi why have they had to have two injections?

my vet checked how they would inject the other injection as its powder but they mix it with distilled water i would inquire with another vet before you go back. sorry cant help anymore.

its bad when they dont listen to you.

hope it all works out fine when do you go


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Hopefully someone will be able to answer better than me but I think you should be ok eventually.


If your dog fails the lepto blood test, which it now looks like he might, he will have to be retested again and then I think they check the results against the first lot and if there isnt any/much change then he'll be fine to go.

This will of course be very stressful for you as they cant be tested until 4 weeks before they are due to fly, then you have to wait for the test results to come back and then test again. Also the blood tests aren't cheap, we paid £200, so I would assume you'd have to pay again.


When do you go?

I'd phone your pet shipper and speak to them about it too, they're bound to have delt with this before.


I phoned our vet and asked for lepto to be taken out and the nurse said she didnt think it was possible because it was just one all-in-one vaccine, she did say she'd find out about it but had never heard of it before, I said 'its ok' and took them elsewhere, I'd been given the name of a local vet who had shipped a friends dog to Oz so I used him.


Hope it all works out.

Sam x

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Thanks Guys for your replies...................Just got in from work and really wanted a few more:unsure:in the nicest possible way so thanks you two.......much appreciated!

As for the "two jabs"........ because we have moved into rented accomodation unfortunately our Boosters have lapsed by more than a month so we have had to start again if that makes sense? (Our own fault)

"We" hope to go..........2nd week in April BUT know this is an impossible turn around for the Dogs (We have got people to look after them until they are ready to fly) SO time frame is not an issue but obviously the sooner the better........NOW worrying with the Lepto could be 6 months or more! My Old Girl is 17 (other 1 is 11) and fit to fly..... but what about..... God Forbid! we lose her while we are waiting due to the Vets incompetency??

Better to have tried than not at all:cry:


I am still so cross:arghh:

Thanks again................

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hiya guys


Well I can honestly say if that happened to me I would have been furious with my vet.


I think I maybe in the fortunate position that I had an extremely good relationship with my vet and in turn he was prepared to listen to what I had to say.


My vet also printed off the relevant blood tests that had to be taken beforehand and on there it specifically pointed out NO LEPTO vaccine to be given.


I also not double checked but triple checked when he was vaccinated that the Lepto wasn't included. Not that I don't trust him but I know of the huge headaches and stress it can cause if given.


The internet is a wonderful place to get information these days and I think it's inexcusable that the vet still went ahead and gave this vaccine. Just IMHO anyway :)


Seeing as your vet messed up and went against your wishes I might be tempted to push them for free repeat blood tests.


Regards Debs x x

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Thankyou Debs for your reply!

I have spoken to the Practice Manager today who in turn will inform the Head Vet (Owner) of said practice and they are going to ring me tomorrow with the outcome! She agreed that it was sheer incompetence on the vets part and couldn't apologise enough (NOT that that will help me now!) However..........mentioned about extra blood tests that would be needed (cost etc) and the time delay factor! They have also offered to liase with my Pet export company as to where to go from here as the Boss at the Export Company suggested we may be able to fly the girls out asap (paperwork permitting) as the blood result would be at a lower level now than it would be in 4 weeks? It's a small hope and I'm seriously thinking about trying to make that happen SO lets see what the phone call brings?

Thanks again for your thoughts

They are appreciated

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:cute:Hi Just a thought

if youre dogs have to wait because your vet wouldnt listen to you and it will incur extra blood tests at extra money then this is not your fault and the practice should pay for them as it was down to her incompitence (sorry if thats spelt wrong) and i would kick up a stink about it.

good luck and keep us posted


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Guest 7gotooz
Thanks Guys for your replies...................Just got in from work and really wanted a few more:unsure:in the nicest possible way so thanks you two.......much appreciated!

As for the "two jabs"........ because we have moved into rented accomodation unfortunately our Boosters have lapsed by more than a month so we have had to start again if that makes sense? (Our own fault)

"We" hope to go..........2nd week in April BUT know this is an impossible turn around for the Dogs (We have got people to look after them until they are ready to fly) SO time frame is not an issue but obviously the sooner the better........NOW worrying with the Lepto could be 6 months or more! My Old Girl is 17 (other 1 is 11) and fit to fly..... but what about..... God Forbid! we lose her while we are waiting due to the Vets incompetency??

Better to have tried than not at all:cry:


I am still so cross:arghh:

Thanks again................





God what a situation - I would change vets! I just wanted to share with you - My dalmation/jack russell Lucy was due for her booster in Nov 07 but I didnt get around to it until early Feb 08 - My vet was happy to give her 1 booster injection omitting the lepto. Lucy didnt need to restart the whole vaccination process again.


Lucy will be travelling with Golden Arrow(01588 680240) I have found them to be extremely helpful - they have advised us to have Lu vaccinated against Kennel Cough as well before she goes into Quarrantine.


I can fully understand your anger - you go to the vet & you expect them to know what they are doing & if they are unsure for them to check. Vaccinations are costly & its not right to have to repeat them when only a booster will suffice. Lucy is not used to kennels & she will find he quarrantine process stressful but as it is only 30 days out of her life it is worth it - I would be extremly angry if she had to spend extra time in kennels because of a vetinery error.


I hope it all works out for you & your dogs


Take care



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Hi Rachel

Thanks for your reply......................it was beneficial to hear about your experience too!

You ARE right..............I have found out today that we didn't "need" to start the whole process again!

The Vet rang today and insisted we go in today for a blood test before the Lepto levels rise (in other words trying to cover their mistake) BUT we had to then fly the girls within 30 days! (assuming results were ok)

I had hope until.................Pet Export Company said Eastern Creek was full for the anticipated quarantine..................Rang Family...........NOT happy I was taking the Dogs anyway........We will NOT be there in their quarantine period to visit them.............and I just thought GIVE UP!

I can't turn it around that quickly because of the above issues so in the meantime.........Lepto levels are rising as their bodies make the Antibodies SO we will fail the blood tests which could mean a 4-6 month delay for their travel AND I have NO-One to look after them in the meantime.............ALL down to a Vets incompetency!

ALL IN ALL........................NOT a good day x

Thanks again for your understanding

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Thankyou Rachel

Taking the Girls back for second shot next Monday MINUS Lepto....................trying to find a temporary home in the meantime and then we'll take it from there! Can I just say to anyone who is thinking of taking their Pets we are using www.petairuk.com and they have been fantastic with advice and support so far!

Thanks for all your replies PIO's and I'll keep you posted!

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:cute:Hi hope all goes well

we are going with air pets when they give us the visa.

good luck it will all work out okay.



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Hi guys,


just reading through this thread and want to say that i used golden arrow for my shipping agent and my 2 cavalier king charles arrived here last wednesday and are fit and well.

I never thought that my dogs would cope with the quarantine but they seem to be really settled and the staff that work with the animals are lovely and really do take good care of them.


Also VETS!!! where do i start, i had problems also, first thing they did was wrote 1 of the identichip numbers on the vaccination cards wrong so i had to pay twice for the export permits £40 cost for their mistake!! then my parents were looking after the boys as i have been here in melbourne since December and golden arrow gave them a step by step process to give to the vet, so they knew exactly what to do and guess what??? YES they did the wrong blood tests!! i mean these people are suppose to be intelligent to become vets arn't they??

Well golden arrow thankfully picked up on this when my mum forwarded the vaccination cards to them and they rang the vets for us and told them they had done it wrong and then phoned my mum to tell her they had spoken to the vets and that with it being the vets fault my mum should not be charged ( which she wasn't but i bet if the shippers hadn't rang them first they would have charged her!)


So all i want to say is good luck with everything, i know it seems like you are banging your head against the wall at the moment but it will all fit into place in the end like it did for us and our boys are here in quarantine and are as happy as can be. i just can't wait until 4th April when i get to bring them home with me


My fingers are crossed for you


Take care


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Hi Gail

Thankyou so much for your post................it's good to hear about other peoples experiences thankyou AND 4th April? Well....................I bet you just can't wait!

Have you read the other thread on here re:Lepto? They are saying that their Dog had Boosters minus Lepto 14mths ago and STILL tested positive???? What hope have mine got eh? GOD I could K*** that incompetent Vet...................not literally but a figure of speech you know!!!

Anyway......................thanks again for your reply ........appreciate it

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