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Australia is brown and flat and boring, I miss Englands rolling fields of green


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Australia is definitly and very varied and superb country and all the pictures kindly shared here testify for that. In my own mind the problem would not be Australia being boring but rather Australia being unaffordable. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-18/study-finds-tourists-think-whitsundays-too-expensive/5098862


When I was granted my regional visa to SA I started to picture myself being able to spend weekends campings on KI to enjoy the wildlife. But when I went there on vacation this summer, I realise how irrealistic it was. Even though we went there in low season (winter) we had to pay a hefty amount of approximately 500 $ just for the 45 min ferry to get there (admittedly including the price of the car, but what would you do without a car in KI ?). Even for a guy like me coming from Switzerland it sounded really, really expensive.


Of course, there is still some nice spots you can go for much less, but if you want to head to the big shots you'd better be loaded !


Great posts, btw!

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