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Odd! It does not seem as if we've had a winter in Sydney!?


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Odd because it's been cold at times and i was wearing both thick coat and cardigan this week, but here we are on the cusp of spring and I look back to May and wonder where and when winter occurred!? I lent my heater to a friend two months ago and have not missed it. Sunny and warm all week in Sydney I think and has been nice over the weekend too.

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That's funny because I say that every April over here, we have not had a bad winter for years and temps don't drop below 20 degrees all year, probably because our weather is more balanced that yours :cute:

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It's all global warming. If you don't vote Labour next week, Greater Sydney will be a huge sea lapping against the slopes of The Blue Mts before Tony Abbott has finished his first term! Mind you, it does not worry Gillard or Rudd who have both splashed out on multi-million dollar beach homes in Adelaide and Qld, respectively!

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Typically, what kind of temps do you usually expect to see in winter in Sydney? and is this when you have most rain fall? thanks x


I think there is more rain in summer. Remember a bloke playing cricket in Centennial Park telling me they got more days in during the winter.


Typical winter temps? Nought to twenty and back again in the space of twenty four hours sometimes. Cold at night and early morning, warm in the middle of the day, with plenty of sunny days.

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We were in Sydney for 2 weeks in August (came back last week) and we didn't feel cold at all lol. A lot of Aussies wearing thick coats though but it didn't feel like it went below 20 during the day and we spent 2 days on the beaches and it was boiling! Little chilly sometimes at night but I feel the cold anyway hubby was walking round in t shirts and didn't feel it xx

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Guest Ptp113
We were in Sydney for 2 weeks in August (came back last week) and we didn't feel cold at all lol. A lot of Aussies wearing thick coats though but it didn't feel like it went below 20 during the day and we spent 2 days on the beaches and it was boiling! Little chilly sometimes at night but I feel the cold anyway hubby was walking round in t shirts and didn't feel it xx


"it was boiling"? Dear me, aren't you in for a shock when summer arrives................

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Guest Ptp113
No not in for a shock lol I've been there in Summer too x



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Then you'd know it wasn't 'boiling' in the winter. Some poms.......................

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Odd because it's been cold at times and i was wearing both thick coat and cardigan this week, but here we are on the cusp of spring and I look back to May and wonder where and when winter occurred!? I lent my heater to a friend two months ago and have not missed it. Sunny and warm all week in Sydney I think and has been nice over the weekend too.


I have reported this post, because it is very upsetting to those of us in Blighty, lol. we had the longest winter in living memory last year, I know the UK winters go on and and and ....... Well you get the picture, but last year we had our usual 5 months of cold, miserable, grey winter, but unlike normal winters, that finish round abouts March time, winter carried on right in to spring, but .......... We have had the first good summer since 1976 and if it means we have longer winters, but have a good summer, I am happy with that.

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We were in Sydney for 2 weeks in August (came back last week) and we didn't feel cold at all lol. A lot of Aussies wearing thick coats though but it didn't feel like it went below 20 during the day and we spent 2 days on the beaches and it was boiling! Little chilly sometimes at night but I feel the cold anyway hubby was walking round in t shirts and didn't feel it xx


You'll soon acclimatise! Anything below about 25 is cold, and you'll be wearing a coat and scarf! First winter we were here, we were on the beach in shorts and t-shirts. Second year we had long-sleeved t-shirts. Third year was long trousers and vests. Now it is coats and scarves! It can become very cold at night, particularly in the house if there is no heating. The first winter we had no heating in the rental we had, and I used to take the kids to the shopping centre to get warm in the day. We have a log burning stove in this house, and although this year hasn't been too bad, it usually burns day and night for two months.

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It's my first winter here and everyone has told me how mild it has been. I've still felt cold because the houses can be cold.

It's been lovely in the sunshine though and we have been out and about every weekend.

Lots of beautiful, and sometimes warm, sunny days coupled with cold nights and early mornings.

The mornings and evenings are getting warmer though. We haven't had the heaters on at all in the past week.

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