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Stone Roses film tonight I have a spare ticket

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I have two tickets for the new Stone Roses film being shown at the Luna cinema tonight. one night only . my daughter has been unwell all week and today she got worse and we cant both leave her (type 1 diabetic) .....

Does anyone want to come with me who maybe in the area as the catch is I cant drive but the ticket will be free , and I would need to know pretty soon if poss I am SOR and it starts about 7pm in Perth ..............

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  • 2 weeks later...
well no I didn't I had payed for the tickets too , if someone had come along then they would have had free tickets but just me to run home ??????? more money gone to waste .......


Could've been worse mate,those Smurfs might have been on the red carpet........

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FOC they are also showing Morrissey 25 years of solo but I think its only at the Carousel from the 4th sept , I use to deliver papers to the house where they practised in the garage , at the time had no idea it was the smiths forming ..........until I hit the nearby pub that became my local .............

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