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Advise please. Any thing will help! We would love to move to Oz, but.....


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Hi All,


Very new to this site, great site though!


Can anybody help us ?


We visited Sydney last year to see our family and friends who moved out to Oz last year and we have fallen in love with the place.


We have 2 young children , 2 and 4 years old, who cried when they found out the holiday was over! And didn't want to get on the plane home (we felt the same way without the tears)


So after long late night chats me and the wife have decided we would love to move to Oz.


Here are our main problems..... My wife is a hairdresser (level 3 NVQ, 17 years hairdressing) , but hasn't worked for 4 years while she have stayed at home to look after the children.


I worked in the chemical industry as a production manager at a chemical plant in the NW of England. My job includes planning, purchasing, transport, exports transport, daily running of the company and sales. We are a 5 million turn over company, which employees 11 staff.


I ideally I would like to get sponsored to move to OZ, do you think that is possible ?


We wouldn't want my wife to work straight away , because she would rather stay with the children while we settle into life in Oz and util they can go to school.


But if its the only option with her being a hairdresser i guess that's the only way we could do it ?


What do you guys think are best options?


Many thanks all !

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I would contact a registered Migration Agent. Most will give you a free assessment to see if you have an options. We contacted a couple to see if we had an other options (apart from the 457) and they were very upfront and let us know we didn't.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We used Go Matilda to get our visa, they have a great name on PIO, be careful because there's been quite a few Agents going bust, but Go Matilda are one of the best agents around.


Best of luck.

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We used Go Matilda to get our visa, they have a great name on PIO, be careful because there's been quite a few Agents going bust, but Go Matilda are one of the best agents around.


Best of luck.


Yes - they were completely honest with us about our options and didn't try to lead us on or get money from us with no prospect of success.

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Get onto the skillselect website and look at each state for sponsorship they all look for people with different qualifications. We applied to ACT in 2011 for SS as they were only state to have hubby's job we got our visa but our circumstances changed and we never went so lost the visa much to our delight we looked again this year and WA had his job on their list they have sponsored us and we have since applied for the visa. ACT no longer had his job on their list, I hope this makes sense I know it's a mine field but you can do it alone with advise from people on here. They are a great bunch :-)

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First thing first. Go to immi.gov.au and look for the sol and CSOL lists. Your job has to be on one of them to be eligible for any sort of migration. If it is on the sol, then you can apply for skilled perm residence. If it is on the CSOL, then you need either a state or company sponsor. State is preferential.


I would, as other have said consider speaking to go Matilda or George Lombard who should give a free initial consultation. Yes, this will cost later down the track to use them. But this is not a cheap process. You are going to need significant funds at the end of the day.


Also, do some research on the availability of jobs for what you do. The lists do not mean there are actualy jobs for them skills.

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Many thanks all.


I think I will contact go Matilda at first.


Also my family in Oz have put me on to a recruitment guy out there.


So getting my CV done to send out to him, and my MD very kindly has agreed to do some kind of letter explaining my roles with in the company.


Do you think this will help ?

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It might help. But your job still has to be on the sol or CSOL to be eligible for sponsorship. That is what you must resolve first.


You should also note that if it is only on the CSOL and you follow company sponsorship it is a temp visa normally for 4 years. More like a temp work permit.

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