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Applying for ACT nomination


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I've finally got all that I need for nomination application.


I get 55 + 5 points on Skillselect. Do I have to obtain ACT nomination first in order to claim those 5 points? Or can I lodge EOI without having those 5 points guaranteed?


In which order did you run the process?


At the moment I am looking for 5 job posts and trying to calculate the costs of living for a family of 4.:huh:

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Is there really noone who had 55 points and got that needed extra 5 by state nomination?


Anyway, I've decided to apply for act nomination first and I plan to lodge EOI after I receive nomination. It seems like a safest way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have got 65 points and lodged my EOI for 189 on 19th Sep 2013 as Telecom Engineer 263311.

263311 is in limited occupation list of ACT. How can I apply for it. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.




Here you go: http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/workspace/uploads/documents/190-skilled-nominated-guidelines-18-sept-13.pdf


For limited occupation, I followed the steps described in the specified section in guidelines, and I got approved (you'll have to receive a mail with acceptance). Yesterday I've submitted all the documentation requested... Waiting is gonna kill me...

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I've finally got all that I need for nomination application.


I get 55 + 5 points on Skillselect. Do I have to obtain ACT nomination first in order to claim those 5 points? Or can I lodge EOI without having those 5 points guaranteed?


In which order did you run the process?


At the moment I am looking for 5 job posts and trying to calculate the costs of living for a family of 4.:huh:


yes you should apply for the nomination first since you can only claim the 5 points if you are approved. Good luck!

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I have got 65 points and lodged my EOI for 189 on 19th Sep 2013 as Telecom Engineer 263311.

263311 is in limited occupation list of ACT. How can I apply for it. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.




Subclass 189 is an independent visa. you do not need to apply for anything else. You only need to apply state sponsorship for Subclass 190.

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Maggie, if the 263311 is not on SOL, but only on CSOL, he will need to apply for nomination. I didn't check the status of 263311 though...


Edit: if he managed to apply for 189, then that one is a different story.


that is why the post is confusing: he stated that he applied for 189 yet wants to get nomination for 190?

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that is why the post is confusing: he stated that he applied for 189 yet wants to get nomination form 190?



I have applied for 189 but now I want to apply for 190 SS ACT

Will I have to lodge another EOI in paralle or would I have to withdraw my first EOI???

I hope this will make it clear enough :cute:

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IMHO, if you want your visa to be processed faster, you go with 190; the downside is that you will have to stay in that state for 2 years, no matter what. I didn't try to apply for 2 types of visa, so I can't advice there.


The job advertisement format that I sent, and it was at their suggestion (after an email exchange), was printing/capturing the whole webpage, which must clearly state the date of advertising, the location of the job, and the type of job (it should NOT contain the clearance condition or "Australian Citizenship required", as they will accept for that job only Australian citizens, not PRs). Try to fit in as small as possible timeframe (recent announcements) . For each job, I described how good I will fit in that requirements, compared to my skills and knowledge, separate, in one doc (they said to write after each of them, but as long as they were images... I didn't wanted to write on top of an image :tongue:).

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