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Can I fill in NSW app form now I have submitted EOI?


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Help.. I thought i knew what I was doing..did the IELTS, got the VETASSES back this week so submitted my EOI today, but confused as studyskills said I need to wait to be invited to apply for the visa through them yet on the NSW website they say fill their form in and send it to, well see below:=

So should I complete the NSW application form now? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP??



[h=4]How to apply for NSW nomination[/h]To lodge an application for NSW nomination applicants will need to:




Applications should be posted to:

Migration Services 190 Team

NSW Trade and Investment

Street address:

Level 47, MLC Centre

19 Martin Place

Sydney NSW 2000


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On August 5, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) stated that New South Wales would no longer be able to nominate 190 visa applicants for specific points-tested occupational groups.


Australia's migration agents and their clients have been left confused and frustrated.


As it stands, it is unclear how this decision will impact people whose 190 visa applications have already been lodged and are currently being assessed.


The 190 visa, states the DIAC, can only be applied for if a person has first received an invitation. This person needs to fulfill a number of criteria before they can be invited to apply, including a certain level of English-language ability, being under the age of 50 and able to enter into a list occupation.


A list of the occupations that will be affected by this announcement has been released on the government's Trade and Investment website.


They are: Chemical and Materials Engineers, Electronics Engineers, Other Engineering Professional, ICT Business and Systems Analysts, Software and Applications Programmers and Telecommunications Engineering Professionals.


The DIAC announced that the send-out of invitations would be staggered, taking place twice a month throughout 2013/14.


All migration agents in Australia are waiting with bated breath for the government and the DIAC to release more information.


Mark Northam, who is a registered migration agent and member of Migration Alliance, said that the New South Wales announcement contains more details than the ACT one, at least.


He said the announcement suggests there is a possibility that invitations will be sent out to prospective 190 visa-holders nominated by New South Wales over the next 11 months.


It has been stated this will be on a "pro-rata basis", but Mr Northam questions how it will be decided who receives these invitations.


"Throughout today we’ve been hearing from many upset clients who are wondering about their future in Australia due to the vague and incomplete announcements going around about DIAC's policy change regarding stopping states from nominating for these occupations," said Mr Northam.


He went on to say that Australian migration agents and applicants are being left in Limbo because of partial information being released by the DIAC and states. No one is quite sure how the remaining spots under the "occupational ceiling" will be apportioned in the months ahead.


"If the DIAC is going to shut down the ability for states to nominate for these important occupations, then it's only fair that applicants be given sufficient notice and details so they and their families can plan their migration to Australia in an orderly way," Mr Northam concluded.

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