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Need investigator work asap


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Sent on behalf of my husband.


Police detective looking for investigator work. Seriously considering leaving police force to join private company as an investigator. Does anyone know any employer who could provide sponsorship from UK for an investigator role, 16 years experience as Detective within Police Force however now looking for work as investigator, experienced in insurance fraud/money laundering and "cash for crash" investigations. Any help/advice appreciated. Not limited to a particular area of Australia, our options are open at present. He is a very experienced detective and very hardworking, just needs a chance to show it.

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To be an insurance investigator you need a qualification in it in the state of your choice. In WA you can train in a variety of places and then sit the exam c/o the WA police. There is also a chap who is advertising on the jobs and careers pages who may be able to offer some advice.

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