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Crikey!! That is horrendous. Someone else said the kids go home when it reaches 40 - that seems really hot too.


That's funny. Of course the kids don't go home when it reaches 40 - nothing would ever get done. We can get far hotter than that.

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I've realised lately in our heatwave that 30 is my limit so perhaps oz is not for me. it has been humid tho but then it gets humid in oz too!


It's not humid everywhere in Oz though. Canberra is a dry heat. A recent visit to the UK nearly killed me. I swear a British 28 is more like a Canberrans 35!

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Jurls - I so agree. I was in UK a couple of summers ago. It was so humid I thought i was going to pass out. Oz is often more bearable because its dry heat.


Nikey - I used to teach in Durrington High School in the 80s!! Lived in Brighton near Five Ways but now in Mitcham in Melb! St Kilda here reminds me of Kemp Town without the trams!

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Jurls - thanks, that sounds more promising. I didnt remember being too hot in oz but i was backpacking so that is my worry - but you have reassured me!!


Ali - how funny :-) And yeah, st kilda is quirky like kemp town.

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