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Request for Further Evidence - Partner Visa 820/801


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I submitted by spousal visa over 14 months ago and atlast I received a reply via email that the department is requesting further information. They have requested that I do my medical as my old medical has expired which is no problem. They also are requesting further evidence of our relationship so they can see that it is still current. I will submit information showing the purchase of our home together and letters etc with both of our names on it. My question is, will i need to have people who are australian citizens and permanent residents do form 888's again or will the letters etc as mentioned earlier be enough? I just find this quite embarassing but if it means that it makes it better for the application then I will do it.

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I have been with my fiance for 4 years and we also have a 17 month old girl as a result of our relationship so I was always hoping to go straight to PR 801 as I meet the criteria. I just want to make sure I submit the correct information to get this through as quickly as possible and accurately.

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I'd email your CO and ask if they expect new stat decs. Best way if you are in any doubt. Its a simple question and hopefully will get an answer.


From what you have said it sounds to me like showing your living together proof should be enough. You can show bills, joint account, buying a house and so on in the past year since you submitted. I'd send in the paperwork covering the 14 months since your application. Phone bill here, bank statement there, salary slips and so on like you did when you submitted.

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This is what they sent me:

To assist us in processing your application faster, please note the following:

DO NOT change the subject line of the email - simply reply using the same subject

Scanning your documents and emailing them to the Qld Temporary Partner Team will result in faster processing times than sending documents in by mail or hand delivering them

Including your name, date of birth, Client File Number (CLF) and passport number in all emails will ensure your record is found and actioned in a timely manner

Please send the requested documents/information via email to the Qld Temporary Partner Team without changing the subject line of this email.


Dear ******************************************-

Please find below a request for further information in regards to your Partner (Temporary) Visa (Class UK) and a Partner (Residence) Visa (Class BS).

Current evidence of your relationship is required in order to make an assessment. Whilst I understand you may have provided evidence of your relationship when you first lodged your application the department needs current documentary evidence to demonstrate the nature of your relationship from date of lodgement until now. This may include current Form 888s as well.

All information that has been requested is mandatory and is required to satisfy the legislative criteria of this visa. Without this information, the department will not be able to facilitate the grant of your visa.

Whilst I understand you may be frustrated with being asked to undergo a subsequent health check or provide further evidence failure to do so, could result in your application being refused.

You have been requested to provide this information to the Department within a 28 day time frame. If you require an extension, please request this in writing- include your reason and any supporting evidence to demonstrate that you have taken action to try and obtain the requested information.

The following documents are mandatory and required from you:

Evidence of your relationship.

For further assistance, please refer to attachment.

- If you have not yet submitted, please provide a signed statement by yourself and your sponsor regarding your evidence of de-facto cohabitation for 12 months prior to lodgement. (For example: how long you have been together as a serious couple and detail significant events, important dates, addresses that you have both lived at and reasons for any periods of separation, your current living arrangements, what your plans for the future are etc.)

- As you have applied as a de facto partner we require evidence that a committed de facto Partner Relationship existed for a full 12 months before you lodged your application. If you have not yet submitted, please provide evidence on the Financial and Householdand Social and Commitment aspects of your relationship. Please do not send photo albums or large quantities of information. Your evidence of relationship should fit into an A4 envelope. Examples of what to provide are listed in the table entitled “Evidence of your relationship with your spouse or partner”, enclosed in this letter.

- Current evidence of your Partner Relationship from lodgement to present.. Please provide evidence on the Financial and Household and Social and Commitment aspects of your relationship. Please do not send photo albums, CD’s, DVD’s or large quantities of information. Examples of what to provide are listed in the table entitled “Evidence of your relationship with your spouse or partner”, enclosed in this letter.

- 2 x Form 888’s to be completed by supporting witnesses (see attached)

- Evidence of resident status of 888 declarants (see attached)

You can submit any further evidence that you feel is relevant to the relationship.DO NOT send photo albums, CD’s, DVD’s or large quantities of information. DO NOT resend documents that have been previously sent.


Health Assessment for a Permanent visa

Your initial health assessment has expired. Please provide a new health assessment

Information on how to obtain a Health Assessment for a Permanent visa can be found at the below url.


Time frame in which to respond You must respond to this request within 28 days of the date of this email as you are deemed to have received it at midnight on the date it was sent, by either: - Providing the requested documents/information,


- Explain what has prevented you from obtaining the information and seek an extension of time. You must be able to provide evidence that you have applied for the appropriate clearances, made medical appointments, or taken appropriate action to obtain the information etc. An extension of time may be given but you must respond.

Providing documents

Please send the requested documents/information via email to the Qld Temporary Partner Team without changing the subject line of this email.

Your application has been given a File Number and Client ID. These numbers identify your application to us. The numbers are located in the top left hand corner of this email. Please make sure that you include your name, date of birth, Client ID and File Number when you write to us. These help us to quickly locate your application.

We do not usually need original documents. Please do not send us original documents unless we ask you for them. Please send colour copies of your official documents. If you send non colour copies of your official documents, please ensure that the copies are certified. People authorised to certify copies in Australia include (but are not limited to): Bank managers, Justices of the Peace, Nurses, Pharmacists, Police Officers, Postal managers, Solicitors, Registered medical practitioners and Registered migration agents.

How to respondBy Email: we prefer you scan and email all documents topartner.temporary.qld@immi.gov.au. to ensure faster processing times. We can accept PDF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP file formats, although we prefer that it be in PDF format. Please make sure your subject line states “your name, date of birth, file number and your case officer's name”.

This office does not need originals. A colour scanned copy of your documents is sufficient. Please do not post originals if you are able to scan and email them.

This office is unable to confirm receipt of your documents or emails. Please use the 'delivery options' to get a return receipt to confirm that the email has been delivered.

PLEASE NOTE: Official documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation by a NAATI (National Association of Accredited Translators and Interpreters) accredited translator. If you do not respondYou currently have not presented sufficient evidence that you meet all of the criteria for the grant of this visa. If you do not respond, in accordance with sections 58, 494B and 494C of theMigration Act 1958, Regulation 2.15 of the Migration Regulations 1994 and related policy guidance, I can make a decision on your application on the basis of information currently on file without further communication with you. Withdrawing your application

You can withdraw your application at any stage during processing. If any applicant wishes to withdraw their application, they must advise the department in writing. This advice can include any number of applicants but must be signed by each person aged 18 years and over.

Yours sincerely, Partner (Temporary) Processing Centre Qld

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Email: partner.temporary.qld@immi.gov.au




This document may contain ‘personal identifiers’ and ‘personal information’ as defined under the Migration Act 1958 or Australian Citizenship Act 2007, and can only be used for purposes under these Acts.


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Well, if they said you could include them, nothing stopping you. I'd bung a couple in.


ETA - You are asking family and friends. I'm sure they are not going to mind doing so for you.

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Guest GeorgeD

No point getting the same people to write another 888. They aren't asking for more evidence becuase your friend's account of your relationship wasn't full enough. By all means try and get other people to write them too, but your best evidence is documentary paperwork. Bills, account statements, any official documents, etc.


Be creative, is there ANYTHING from an official source (so not a wedding invite, etc.) which places the two of you together either financially or even at the same address? Wills, do you have them, if not, get them done. Car insurance? Statement from Life insurance or pension saying your partner is a beneficiary, etc.


It isn't unusual to get this request from DIAC. I got it. You do need to give them more evidence, because at the moment they don't have enough evidence for you to meet the requirements. You might think you have nothing, but think again, and look again. Have you created anything since you submitted your application? My wife and I submitted a lease agreement we had both signed two months after I applied for my visa. I submitted my wife's will which she only created after our application. I submitted a list of the last 20 IP addresses to log in to my wife's Bank Of Queensland account and showed that I had logged in from my IP address in the UK on the same day as she had logged in from Oz...showing that despite not having a joint bank account, we shared our finances.


Statements are OK, but other evidence from an official source is miles better.


What evidence did you supply in thr first place?

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No point getting the same people to write another 888. They aren't asking for more evidence becuase your friend's account of your relationship wasn't full enough. By all means try and get other people to write them too, but your best evidence is documentary paperwork. Bills, account statements, any official documents, etc.

I'm not sure that's what is being asked for. From the e-mail reproduced above, it sounds as though the evidence is required to fill the gap between lodgement and processing - not because the original evidence was deficient. Hence further 888s from the original people to say that the relationship is continuing would be perfectly admissible. Plus, as you say, documentary evidence of financial commitments and living arrangements.

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Guest GeorgeD

I see what you're saying. I suppose the OP could get the same people to redo 888 statements...but please don't rely on statements...the OP will need evidence too.

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thx for that, i supplied 2 x 888's, bank statements, lease details with our names on it, cards and invites with our names on it, it was very comprehensive. I think they are more checking that we are still in a de-facto relationship at this stage. I'll do the 888's, documents of our house purchase, insurances etc etc. Thx for all your help.

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I will email the documents back them but it says that if its not a colour copy and is black and white then its to be certified, does that mean all printed docs in black and white need to be certified? A justice of the peace will only certify to say a document is an exact copy of an original. Or do I make copies and get them certified and send them via a scanned email?

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I will email the documents back them but it says that if its not a colour copy and is black and white then its to be certified, does that mean all printed docs in black and white need to be certified? A justice of the peace will only certify to say a document is an exact copy of an original. Or do I make copies and get them certified and send them via a scanned email?

I really wouldn't overthink this. Try scanning (in colour) and e-mailing or just run them through a photocopier and send them off. I'm assuming you have already sent off certified copies of passports, birth ceritificates, etc. and you are just talking about utility bills or bank statements now. I doubt that DIAC would need them to be certified but if they did, they could always come back to you. Or you could just send them the originals - you won't need them again.

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Guest GeorgeD

Only certify things like your passport, birth cert, etc. Just make copies of the other stuff...bank statements, etc...you don't need them certififed.

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How much evidence should I send off? Ive got 34 seperate pieces of evidence showing, living arrangements, financial arrnagements and social aspects of our relationship. Ive got 2 x 888s being done and we'll do another personal statement each. I'm doing my medical in the next week or so. Any other suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

so ive sent off my evidence to the email, i did my medical monday, rang immigration today to confirm they had everything and they confirmed they did. How long now till I get a decision? any ideas or is it back to the months of waiting?

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so ive sent off my evidence to the email, i did my medical monday, rang immigration today to confirm they had everything and they confirmed they did. How long now till I get a decision? any ideas or is it back to the months of waiting?


If they have everything they need then hopefully it won't take long now. You sound like you are fine though so don't sweat it if it takes a bit longer.

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Guest GeorgeD
so ive sent off my evidence to the email, i did my medical monday, rang immigration today to confirm they had everything and they confirmed they did. How long now till I get a decision? any ideas or is it back to the months of waiting?


Probably months...it should be granted aroun 8-9 months from the date of your original application

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original application was submitted approx 15 months ago, they requested more info approx 3 weeks ago


Christ!! Did you ask them why it is taking so long ? and when its due ? I was told 8-9 months top and most people seem to get them a little early

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Christ!! Did you ask them why it is taking so long ? and when its due ? I was told 8-9 months top and most people seem to get them a little early


8-9 months is for offshore applications; I believe the onshore ones can take quite a bit longer...

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